
“借力”与太平洋岛国地区气候治理 被引量:3

Strategy of Borrowing Power and Climate Governance in the Pacific Islands
摘要 太平洋岛国是世界上受气候变化威胁最严重的地区之一。为了克服自身实力弱小、与地区霸权国气候立场严重相左等困难,太平洋岛国借助全球气候治理进程和域外大国的权力资源,利用澳大利亚开展“中等强国外交”对太平洋岛国外交需求上升的局面,形成了有利于地区气候治理的外部条件。在此过程中,太平洋岛国采取构建治理框架、利用机制竞争与设置地区议程等策略与举措,促使外部权力资源在具体情境下成功转化为实际成果,从而推动了太平洋岛国地区气候治理。不过,这一进程可能面临全球治理重点偏离气候变化、太平洋岛国地区被进一步纳入“印太战略”、澳大利亚在疫情背景下加强对该地区的控制等制约因素。 The Pacific Island region is among the regions most threatened by climate change in the world.With a lack of strength and the serious disagreement with regional hegemony on climate issues,the countries in this region have taken advantage of global climate governance,extraterritorial powers,and Australia’s rising diplomatic demand in the region under its middle power diplomacy,to create an external environment conducive to their climate governance.In this process,these countries have built the governance system,competition mechanisms,and regional agendas to successfully translate external resources into tangible outcomes,thus contributing to regional climate governance.However,the process may be constrained by the shift of focus away from climate change,the regional integration into the Indo-Pacific strategy,and the strengthening of Australia’s control over the Pacific Islands during the COVID-19 pandemic.
作者 陈晓晨 CHEN Xiaochen
出处 《国际问题研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第4期120-138,140,共20页 International Studies
基金 国家社科基金项目“太平洋岛国非殖民化研究”(项目编号:19BSS044)的阶段性成果。
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