
一二维模型在湖泊水环境调度中的应用比较 被引量:1

Comparison of One and Two Dimensional Model in Lakes Water Environment Scheduling
摘要 以湖泊水环境调度为例,比较了一维模型、一二维耦合模型的构建方法及其在湖泊水环境调度中的应用。发现两种方法计算的调度流量、水位过程拟合程度较好;B湖引入A湖优质水资源,B湖北侧湖区Ⅲ类~Ⅳ类水体面积增加,一二维耦合模型的空间展示效果更为直观;计算全年湖泊的水量水质调度,一二维耦合模型用了34.3h,而一维模型仅用了5.8min。通过两种方法的比较分析,提出将两种方法结合使用,以A、B湖每月连通1次、每月连通2次为例,比较论证较优的调度方案,发现每月连通1次有利于改善B湖的水质。 Taking water environment scheduling of lakes as an example,construction methods and calculation results of one-dimensional model and one&two dimensional coupling model are compared.The comparison shows that both methods have good fitting degree between scheduling flow and water level process.Better water of A lake flowing into B lake,the area ofⅢ-Ⅳwater quality in north side of B lake increases.The spatial display effect of one&two dimensional coupling model is more visual.It takes 34.3 hours for one&two dimensional coupling model but 5.8 minutes for one-dimensional model to calculate annual quantity and quality regulation of lakes.Through the comparison and analysis of two methods,combination of two methods is suggested.Taking lakes A and B connected once per month and twice per month as an example,it is found that connecting once per month is beneficial to improve the water quality of lake B.
作者 陈福容 CHEN Fu-rong(Shanghai Investigation.Design&Research Institute Co..Ltd.,Shanghai 200335,China)
出处 《水电能源科学》 北大核心 2021年第7期61-64,共4页 Water Resources and Power
基金 中国长江三峡集团有限公司科研项目(202003136)。
关键词 湖泊 水环境调度 一维模型 一二维耦合模型 lakes water environment scheduling one-dimensional model one&two dimensional coupling model
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