The ICSID Convention and the New York Convention provide strong safeguards for the enforcement of Investor-State arbitration awards, but neither addresses the issue of immunity of state property from enforcement of arbitral awards. Immunity poses a serious challenge to the successful enforcement of Investor-State arbitration rulings and has been identified as the Achilles heel. Execution of awards is full of inconsistency and unpredictability because of the unstructured system of State immunity, which is further complicated by political factors and the interference of diplomatic pressure. Both the waiver of immunity and the commercial property exception have been harshly applied in practice. In addition to investors taking appropriate measures to prevent impediments to immunity, an effective solution to the problem needs to be based on both legal solutions and market-based remedies. Pending the entry into force of the UN Convention on Immunity, advocating for a model law on immunity that embodies the concept of balance would provide guide for the harmonization of rules and practices of States. In addition, market-based remedies such as post-award settlement, assignment of awards, and an enhanced role for the World Bank Group are desirable complementary options.
Wuhan University International Law Review
investor-state arbitration
state immunity
execution of awards
waiver of immunity
exceptions for immunity