用MonteCarlo方法系统模拟计算了以NaI晶体与BGO晶体为探测介质的clover与cluster复合式高能γ探测器的效率 .对于相同的介质几何 ,BGO复合式探测器的全能峰效率远高于相应的NaI复合式探测器 .用多块76× 1 2 7BGO晶体制作成的clover与cluster复合式高能γ探测器对 2 2 0MeV的γ光子的全能峰特征效率仍然高于 40 % ,绝对效率增加因子达 2 4与 2 7.
The efficiencies of clover and cluster composite detectors using NaI and BGO crystals as the media for detection of high energy γ ray are systematically simulated with Monte Carlo method. It is shown that for the same geometry of detection media concerned the efficiency of the composite BGO detector is much higher than that of the composite NaI detector. Therefore NaI crystal is not a suitable medium of composite detectors for high energy γ ray duo to low efficiency, Doppler broadening and distortion to γ spectrum in comparison with BGO crystal. The composite BGO detectors have many advantages such as large photopeak efficiency, small Doppler effect and regular γ spectrum. As to the clover and cluster composite detectors consisting of the cylinders of BGO crystal with original size 76×127, the intrinsic photopeak efficiencies are over 40% and the enhanced factor of absolute efficiencies is as high as 2.4 and 2.7, respectively, for 22 MeV γ ray. = =
High Energy Physics and Nuclear Physics
国家自然科学基金 (1 980 5 0 1 2 )