
政府规制、双重嵌入性治理与绿色健康养殖行为——以河南省为例 被引量:11

Government Regulation,Dual Embedded Governance,Green and Healthy Breeding Behavior——Empirical Analysis Based on Survey Data of Henan Province
摘要 政府规制、政府或协会单重或双重嵌入养殖(场)户治理是目前国内外规模化生猪养殖业食品安全和环境安全治理的重要手段。其中,双重嵌入性治理作为较为温和、弱型治理模式对于多主体参与下治理结构优化具有十分重要和深远的意义。本文以实现生猪绿色健康养殖为目标,运用最小偏二乘(PLS)法分别从政府规制和嵌入性治理对养殖(场)户行为的影响进行绿色健康养殖治理结构比较分析,并探讨两种治理手段及政府或协会对养殖(场)户单重或双重嵌入性治理模式之间的治理效果。结果显示:(1)政府规制、双重嵌入性治理对实现生猪绿色健康养殖具有正向影响,且政府规制的治理效果要强于双重嵌入性治理的效果;(2)在双重嵌入性治理中,行业协会在双重嵌入性治理中起到了完全中介的作用;(3)从养殖规模大小和绿色健康养殖行为规范评价的路径系数差异的整体影响情况来看,行为规范评价所造成的路径系数差异大于养殖规模大小所造成的路径系数差异,其中政府规制对行为评价较差的养殖(场)户行为规范影响较大,而政府和协会的双重嵌入性治理对行为评价优良的养殖(场)户行为规范影响较大。(4)在从行为意愿到政府规制、政府嵌入、协会嵌入,再到行为规范直至目标实现的诸多发展路径和模式中,构建由政府规制和以行业协会作为中介的双重嵌入性治理等组成的治理结构对规模化生猪绿色健康养殖目标的实现具有十分重要的积极意义,但在养殖业绿色生态高质量发展的总要求下,其治理效率仍有很大的提升空间,还需要尽快构建和打造在政府主导下能充分发挥行业协会能动作用的规模化生猪绿色健康养殖的双重嵌入性治理的合理架构和长效机制。 It is vital for food safety and environmental safety governance in a large-scale hog-breeding industry that government regulations,government or association single or dual embedded breeding-households governance could be carried out at home and abroad.Among them,dual embedded governance,as a mild and weak governance model,is of great importance and far-reaching significance for optimizing governance structure with multi-agent participation.Based on the aim of green and healthy hog-breeding,this paper analyzes comparatively the governance structures of green and healthy breeding from the perspectives of government regulations and embedded governance by means of the Partial Least Square(PLS).It discusses the governance effects of two kinds of governing measures and the government or association on the single or double embedding governance model to the breeding-households.The results are as follows.(1)Government regulation and dual embedded governance have positive effects on green and healthy hog-breeding.Meanwhile,the effect of government regulation is stronger than that of dual embedded governance;(2)Industry associations play a full intermediary role in dual embedded governance;(3)From the viewpoints of evaluation of behaviors’norms and breeding scale,the difference from evaluation of behaviors’norms is greater in terms of the overall impact of the path coefficients’difference.Among them,government regulations have a greater impact on the behavioral norms of these households with a negative evaluation,while the dual embedded governance of the government and associations has a greater impact on behaviors of those households with positive evaluation;(4)In many development paths and modes from behavioral intention to governmental regulation,governmental embedding,association embedding,and then to behavioral norms until the goal-realization,it is of great positive significance for the realization of aims of large-scale green and healthy hog-breeding to build a governance structure that composes of government regulation and dual embedded governance with industry association as an intermediary.But based on general requirements of the green and high-quality ecological development in the breeding industry,there is still a great improvement potential in governance efficiency.Also,it is necessary to establish and build a rational framework and long-run mechanism for the dual embeddable governance of large-scale green and healthy hog-breeding led by the government that can give full play to the active role of the industry association as soon as possible.
作者 俞洋 刘向华 宋宇 吴一平 YU Yang;LIU Xianghua;SONG Yu;WU Yiping
出处 《农业技术经济》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第6期66-83,共18页 Journal of Agrotechnical Economics
基金 广东省教育厅创新团队项目“中国农地制度改革创新:赋权、盘活与土地财产权益的实现”(编号:2017WCXTD001) 广东省社科基金项目“规模经营背景下中国化肥农药过量施用的作用机制及减量化战略研究”(编号:GD19CYJ15) 广东省普通高校重点研究项目“农地确权方式对农户施肥行为的影响”(编号:2019WZDXM008) 广东大学生科技创新培育专项资金资助项目“农地确权方式与农户长期投资——基于IPWRA模型的比较分析”(编号:pdjh2020b0100) 国家社会科学基金项目“我国畜禽产业绿色安全体系研究”(编号:14BGL013) 国家自然科学基金项目“风险抑制与信息甄别:内部控制对食品质量安全影响研究”(编号:71503072)。
关键词 政府规制 嵌入性治理 绿色健康养殖 最小偏二乘法 Government regulation Embedded governance Green and healthy breeding Partial least square
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