
小口径尾翼弹膛口流场数值模拟 被引量:5

Numerical Simulation of Muzzle Flow Field of Small Caliber Fin-Stabilized Projectile
摘要 根据三维N-S方程并结合Roe一阶迎风格式,采用计算流体力学分析软件对小口径尾翼弹飞出膛口及尾翼张开过程中的膛口流场进行数值模拟。此外,对比分析了弹丸在不同初始偏角情况下出膛口过程中的径向受力和径向位移。结果表明,含尾翼张开的膛口流场局部区域形成了更加复杂的波系结构,弹丸径向受力最大值和径向位移随初始偏角的增大而增大,减小初始偏角有利于减小弹丸初始扰动。 According to the three-dimensional N-S equations and ROE first-order upwind scheme,based on the computational fluid dynamics analysis software,the muzzle flow field of small caliber tail projectile flying out of the muzzle and the tail opening process was numerically simulated and analyzed by using the overlapping grid method.In addition,the radial force and radial displacement of the projectile in different initial deflection angles were compared and analyzed.The results show that a more complex wave structure is formed in the local area of the flow field with the tailplane opening,and the maximum radial force and radial displacement of the projectile increase with the increase of the initial deflection angle,and reducing the initial deflection angle is beneficial to reduce the disturbance of the projectile.
作者 汤傲 戴劲松 王茂森 何福 林圣业 TANG Ao;DAI Jinsong;WANG Maosen;HE Fu;LIN Shengye(Nanjing University of Science and Technology, Nanjing 210094, China)
机构地区 南京理工大学
出处 《兵器装备工程学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2021年第6期34-37,共4页 Journal of Ordnance Equipment Engineering
基金 基于国防基金项目(专用技术预研项目30xxx060202)。
关键词 膛口流场 尾翼张开 计算流体力学 重叠网格法 数值模拟 muzzle flow field tail flapping computational fluid dynamics overlapping grid method numerical simulation
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