时间分配研究是理解栖息地利用模式、资源利用和限制物种生存因素的合适手段,这些一旦掌握清楚了便可被整合到管理策略的制定中。于2008年、2009年和2010年繁殖期对拉达克地区的黑颈鹤(Grus nigricollis)日间行为时间分配进行了研究。为了更好地统一繁殖周期内不同繁殖阶段的活动模式,将黑颈鹤的繁殖期分成繁殖前期、繁殖中期和繁殖后期。调查期间,共进行了95天野外调查,黑颈鹤观察时长达785 h,所有观察在06:00—19:00完成,共记录到16314次行为事件。该文中黑颈鹤的日间行为时间分配以不同行为的百分比来表示。繁殖期内,黑颈鹤的取食行为占(48.5±1.3)%,其次分别为休息[(14.2±1.2)%]、运动[(10±0.7)%]、繁殖[(10±2.6)%]、保养[(5.7±0.5)%]、警戒[(4.1±0.9)%]、保卫[(1.5±0.3)%]和求偶炫耀[(0.7±0.2)%],另有(5.4±1.9)%]的时间黑颈鹤飞出观察视野。相较于其他生境,黑颈鹤在沼泽草甸生境中停留的时间最长[(43±0.9)%]。
The time budget studies are an appropriate tool in understanding patterns of habitat utilization,exploitation of resources,and factors that limit survival.All this once understood can be integrated in developing of management strategies.Diurnal time budget of the Black-necked Crane(Grus nigricollis)was studied in Ladakh during breeding seasons in 2008,2009 and 2010.In order to understand the activity patterns during various stages of breeding cycle,the entire breeding period of a particular year was divided into three phases:pre-breeding,breeding and post breeding.Between 2008 and 2010,a total 95 days were spent in the field and Black-necked Cranes were observed for 785 hours.All observations were made during the day time only between dawn and dusk(6:00 to 19:00).During the observation period,16,314 behavioural events were recorded.Feeding behaviour was most prevalent accounting for 48.5±1.3%(mean±SE)of the crane’s diurnal time budget.It was followed by resting(14.2±1.2%),locomotion(10±0.7%),breeding activities(10±2.6%),maintenance(5.7±0.5%),out of sight(5.4±1.9%),and alert(4.1±0.9%).Black-necked Cranes spent 1.5±0.3%of its time in defense while at least 0.7±0.2%in courtship activities.In the present paper percentage breakdown of overall diurnal activity of the Black-necked Crane have been provided.While studying the activity in various habitats,it was found that Black-necked Cranes spent maximum(43±0.9%)time in marsh meadows as compared to other habitats.
Black-necked Crane
Time budget
Breeding season