
音视频大数据样本库入库规范 被引量:1

Entry Specification of Audio and Video Big Data Sample Library
摘要 当前各种音视频数据呈现几何级数的增长,有效组织庞大的音视频数据的难度增大,为了合理组织音视频大数据,提出了一种音视频数据入库规范。首先对原始音视频数据文件按照不同类别进行切分存储,将拆分数据段的类别、起止时间等信息存储在数据库表中。根据数据表信息,有针对性的调用某一类的音视频段,实现灵活的拼接拆分。建立大规模图片样本库,支持视频图像处理时的目标检测等任务。通过大量的试验证明,提出的样本库规范能实现音视频数据的正常入库和灵活调用。 At present,various audio and video data show a geometric increase,and it is more difficult to effectively organize huge audio and video data.In order to organize audio and video big data reasonably,we propose a standard for audio and video data storage.First,the original audio and video data files are segmented and stored according to different categories,and information such as the category,start and end time of the split data segment is stored in a database table.According to the information in the data table,a certain type of audio and video segments are called in a targeted manner to realize flexible splicing and splitting.A large-scale picture sample library should be established to support tasks such as target detection in video image processing.A large number of experiments have completed to prove that the sample library specification proposed in this paper can realize the normal storage and flexible calling of audio and video data.
作者 韩志峰 白雪冰 蒋龙泉 黄云刚 冯瑞 HAN Zhifeng;BAI Xuebing;JIANG Longquan;HUANG Yungang;FENG Rui(Software School,Fudan University,Shanghai 200438,China;Academy for Engineering&Technology,Fudan University,Shanghai 200438,China;School of Computer Science,Fudan University,Shanghai 200438,China;Shanghai Haichao Institute for New Technologies,Shanghai 200438,China)
出处 《微型电脑应用》 2021年第7期27-30,共4页 Microcomputer Applications
基金 上海市科委一次性项目(202068400859-80001) 上海市科委重大项目(AWS15J005) 上海市科委项目(20511101502) 上海市科委项目(20DZ1100205)。
关键词 音视频大数据 非结构化数据 音视频分段 数据存取 data of audio and video unstructured data audio and video segmentation data access
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