
全球生态文明建设:治理困境、逻辑必然与中国贡献 被引量:5

Global Ecological Civilization Construction:Governance Dilemma,Logical Necessity and China's Contribution
摘要 《2020年全球风险报告》显示,世界排名前五的风险都与生态环境问题密切相关。新冠疫情所引发的全球恐慌再度激发人类对全球生态文明建设的深刻反思。虽然生态文明建设在全球化的宏大境遇中面临诸多问题,如资本至上与全球集体行动的内部紧张、单边主义与全球系统思维的生成困境、当下意识与人类未来意识的关系断裂,但生态文明建设所蕴涵的"类本质"特征"、正义感"基质和"共同体"理念昭示着全球生态文明建设的逻辑必然。地球是人类共同栖居的家园,生态危机不仅是区域性危机更是全球性危机,生态文明建设不仅是一国的责任更是全人类的责任。无论人类文明升华到什么形态,人与自然的和谐共生始终是人类文明的基础,文明的颜色不能脱离生态的"底色",文明的高度不能超出"生态"的限度,一旦突破生态限度,生态危机将引发文明危机,生态灾难将引发人类灾难。作为负责任大国,中国正在努力深化全球生态文明建设的治理体系,积极推动全球低碳转型和绿色发展,中国是《2030年可持续发展议程》的坚定执行者、《巴黎协定》的坚定推进者,中国生态文明建设的成功实践正在为全球生态文明建设贡献中国力量、彰显中国智慧、提供中国样本,中国必将引领全球生态文明建设走出现实困境。 The Global Risks Report 2020 shows that the top five risks in the world are all closely related to ecological and environmental issues.The global panic caused by COVID-19 once again arouses mankind's profound reflection on the construction of global ecological civilization.The construction of ecological civilization faces many problems under the background of globalization,such as the internal tension between capital supremacy and global collective action,the dilemma between unilateralism and the formation of global mentality,and the disconnection between the consciousness of the present and that of the human future.However,the“class essence”,the“sense of justice”and the“community mentality”in ecological civilization construction indicate its logical necessity.The earth is the home of mankind and the ecological crisis is not only regional but also global.The construction of ecological civilization is the responsibility of all human rather than one country.No matter how human civilization develops,the harmonious coexistence of man and nature is always the basis of human civilization.Civilization can not be separated from the ecological“background”and it should be developed within the ecological limit.Once the ecological limit is broken through,the ecological crisis will lead to the crisis of civilization and the ecological disaster will end the human race.As a responsible country,China is working hard to improve the global governance system for ecological civilization construction and to promote the global low-carbon transformation and green development.China is a staunch implementer of The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and a staunch promoter of The Paris Agreement.The success of China in ecological civilization construction is contributing China's experience,displaying China's wisdom and providing China's samples to the global ecological civilization construction,leading it out of the current difficulties.
作者 马丽 张首先 Ma Li;Zhang Shouxian(School of Marxism,Chengdu Medical College)
出处 《南京林业大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 2021年第3期55-63,共9页 Journal of Nanjing Forestry University(Humanities and Social Sciences Edition)
基金 国家社会科学基金项目“生态文明建设与国家政治安全、政治认同研究”(16XKS012) 成都医学院马克思主义学院教改项目(506-2020115)。
关键词 全球生态文明 中国贡献 治理困境 人类命运共同体 global ecological civilization China's contribution governance dilemma a community of shared future for mankind
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