以膨化的长玻璃纤维增强聚苯硫醚复合材料为芯材,双向碳纤维织物增强聚碳酸酯为面板材料,通过热压成型制备夹芯复合结构。研究了不同夹芯复合结构厚度与芯层面密度对夹芯复合结构力学性能的影响,以及夹芯复合结构的弯曲破坏形式和侧压破坏形式。结果表明,随芯层厚度的增加,夹芯复合结构的弯曲强度、弯曲弹性模量、比弯曲强度、冲击强度、侧压强度和比侧压强度减小,而弯曲刚度和冲击总吸能先增大后减小,转折点发生在夹芯复合结构厚度为5 mm时。在夹芯复合结构厚度相同条件下,随着芯层面密度的增加,夹芯复合结构的弯曲强度、弯曲弹性模量、弯曲刚度、冲击强度、冲击总吸能和侧压强度增大;在夹芯复合结构厚度为4 mm或5 mm条件下,随着芯层面密度的增加,夹芯复合结构的比弯曲强度和比侧压强度减小;在夹芯复合结构厚度为6 mm条件下,随着芯层面密度的增加,夹芯复合结构的比弯曲强度先增大后减小,比侧压强度先减小后增大。夹芯复合结构的弯曲破坏形式是面板破坏和芯层分层;侧压破坏形式是压缩/弯曲破坏。
By hot pressing,a new sandwich composite structure was prepared,in which the expanded long glass fiber rein-forced polyphenylene sulfide composite was used as core,and the bidirectional carbon fiber fabric reinforced polycarbonate was used as panel.The effects of different sandwich composite structure thickness and core layer area density on the mechanical properties of the sandwich composite structure,as well as the bending failure mode and edgewise compression failure mode of the sandwich composite structure were investigated.Test results show that,as the thickness of the core layer increases,the flexural strength,bending elastic modulus,specific flexural strength,impact strength,edgewise compression strength,and specific edgewise compression strength of the sandwich composite structure decrease,while the flexural stiffness and total impact energy absorption first increase and then decrease,the turning point occurs when the thickness of the sandwich composite structure is 5 mm.Under the condition of the same thickness of the sandwich composite structure,with the increase of the area density of the core layer,the bending strength,bending elastic modulus,bending stiffness,impact strength,total impact energy and edgewise compression strength of the sandwich composite structure increase.When the thickness of the core composite structure is 4 mm or 5 mm,as the core layer area density increases,the specific bending strength and the specific edgewise compressive strength of the sandwich composite structure decrease.When the thickness of the sandwich composite structure is 6 mm,as the area density of the core layer increases,the specific bending strength of the sandwich composite structure first increases and then decreases,and the specific edgewise compressive strength first decreases and then increases.The bending failure mode of sandwich composite structure is panel failure and core layer delamination,the edgewise compression failure mode is compression/bending failure.
Tang Yirong;Zhou Xiaodong(Shanghai Key Laboratory of Chemical Engineering for Multiphase Structural Materials,School of Chemical Engineering,East China University of Science and Technology,Shanghai 200237,China)
Engineering Plastics Application
sandwich composite structure
glass fiber
polyphenylene sulfide
mechanical property
failure mode