
人工智能对水土保持信息化监管技术支撑 被引量:18

Technical Support of Artificial Intelligence for Informatization Supervision of Soil and Water Conservation
摘要 生产建设项目水土保持信息化监管是全国各地水土保持强监管、保护生态环境的重要职责和重点工作,面对覆盖全国、数量巨大、年度多次的监管重任,监管工作及技术方法遇到了人工复核工作量大、识别分析难、快速精准监管效能低等瓶颈制约,迫切需要以人工智能为核心的高新技术支撑,破解技术难题。通过对遥感影像光谱信息、纹理结构等特征分析,影像特征增强技术,各类项目占地、土石方挖填量与弃渣量、建设工期、水土流失影响程度等级等大数据辅助,经过全面、精细、智能深度学习,同时运用发改、国土资源、城乡建设、环保、林业、水利、交通、电力等部门的相关信息大数据,通过关联分析,实现对生产建设项目的智能化识别。通过对项目特定的必备配套设施智能关联分析判别、相关图斑的归集,智能分析同一项目相关图斑的判别与归集。综合应用人工智能、大数据、云计算、互联网、物联网等高新科技,提高对“未批先建”“未验先投”“未批先弃”等违法违规行为的智能化、精准化判别率。为提升精准监管效率与效能,应加强水土保持重要敏感区的大数据智能支持,重点监管项目的智能跟踪,水土流失危害重点问题监控,细化项目开工前期、施工过程、工程完工3个时段的关键水土保持措施跟踪监管,更加及时、有效地全面支撑水土保持检查、监督、执法,全面提升监管效率与水平,促进生态优先、绿色发展,为国家高质量发展提供重要支撑和保障。 Informatization Supervision of soil and water conservation for production and construction projects is an important responsibility and key work for strong supervision of soil and water conservation and protection of ecological environment all over the country,the supervision work and the technical method have met the bottleneck restriction such as the heavy workload of artificial check,the difficulty of identification and analysis,the low efficiency of fast and accurate supervision and so on.Based on the analysis of the spectral information and texture structure of remote sensing image,the technology of image feature enhancement,assisted by large data,such as land use of various projects,earth and rock excavation,amount of waste,construction period,degree of influence of soil erosion and water loss,etc.after comprehensive,detailed and intelligent deep learning,and at the same time using relevant information and big data from development and reform,land and resources,urban and rural construction,environmental protection,forestry,water management,transportation,electric power and other departments,through related analysis,realization of intelligent identification of production and construction projects.Through the intelligent correlation analysis of the special necessary facilities of the project,the relevant map spots of the same project to merges.Apply High and new technologies such as artificial intelligence,big data,cloud computing,Internet of things,we will improve the rate of intelligent and accurate discrimination against illegal and illegal activities,such as"construction before approval","Put into production before acceptance check"and"discard before approval".In order to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of precise supervision,it is necessary to strengthen the intelligent support of big data,the intelligent tracking of key supervision projects,and the supervision of key issues of soil erosion and water loss hazards in important sensitive areas of soil and water conservation,detailed monitoring of key soil and water conservation measures during the three periods of project start-up,construction process and project completion,so as to provide more timely and effective support for soil and water conservation inspection,supervision and law enforcement,and comprehensively enhance the supervision efficiency and level,to promote ecological priority and green development,to provide important support and guarantee for the country's high-quality development.
作者 姜德文 蒋学玮 周正立 JIANG Dewen;JIANG Xuewei;ZHOU Zhengli(The Center of Water and Soil Conservation Monitoring,Ministry of Water Resources,Beijing 100053;College of Plant,Tarim University,Alar,Xinjiang 843300)
出处 《水土保持学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2021年第4期1-6,共6页 Journal of Soil and Water Conservation
基金 国家生产建设项目水土保持信息化监管项目(2020) 兵团财政科技计划项目“南疆牧草高产栽培及饲用组合提质增效配套研究与示范”(2021DB015) 中国海洋大学—塔里木大学联合基金项目“环塔里木盆地边缘绿洲荒漠化发生机理与植被保育研究”(ZHYLH201903) 科技部科技基础资源调查专项专题“新疆第三次综合科学考察典型区域预调查—绿洲演变与荒漠化过程调查与评估”(2019FY00205)。
关键词 大数据 人工智能 互联网 物联网 水土保持 天地一体 信息化监管 big data artificial intelligence internet internet of things soil and water conservation integration of sky and earth informatization supervision
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