
新时代干部教育培训的实践与思考--基于自然资源系统基层干部培训的调研 被引量:4

Practice of and Thinking on Cadre Education and Training in New Era Based on Investigation of Training of Grassroots Cadres in Natural Resource System
摘要 自然资源部组建以来,各级自然资源管理部门一直高度重视干部教育培训工作,在分级分类培训、高校共建、网络培训、师资库建设等方面做了许多有益的探索,取得了一定的成效。但自然资源系统基层干部队伍依然面临干部能力素质与工作职责需求不相适应的窘况,存在干部教育培训基础建设、培训供给、培训内容、培训方式与培训需求不相适应等问题。改进基层干部教育培训,应科学谋划干部教育培训的顶层设计,以系统观念探寻基层干部教育培训规律,深化改革干部教育培训体系;切实加大对市县一级自然资源部门关键环节和重要岗位领导干部及年轻干部的培训力度,满足干部个性化、差异化学习需求,为生态文明建设培养更多高素质优秀人才。 Since the establishment of the Ministry of Natural Resources,natural resource management departments at all levels have always attached great importance to cadre education and training,have carried out many beneficial explorations in the aspects of classified training,college and university co-construction,network training,and teacher library construction,and have achieved certain results.However,the grassroot cadre team of the natural resource system is still faced with the dilemma that the ability and quality of cadres are not compatible with the demand of work responsibilities,and there are some problems such as that the infrastructure construction for cadre education and training,training supply,training content and training methods are not compatible with the demand of training.To improve grassroot cadre education and training,we should scientifically plan the top-level design of cadre education and training,find out the rules of cadre education and training with a system concept,deepen the reform of the cadre education and training system,and practically strengthen the training of leading cadres and young cadres at key links and important posts of natural resource departments at city and county levels,so as to meet the personalized and differentiated learning needs of cadres and cultivate more high-quality talents for the construction of ecological civilization.
作者 孙俊凤 冯志文 董红亮 欧阳勋 Sun Junfeng;Feng Zhiwen;Dong Hongliang;Ouyang Xun
出处 《中国人事科学》 2021年第6期1-7,共7页 Chinese Personnel Science
关键词 自然资源系统 教育培训 干部队伍建设 Natural resource system Education and training Construction of cadre team
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