
内隐追随原型对员工职业成功的影响研究 被引量:2

Effect of Implicit Followership Prototype Fit on Employees’ Career Success
摘要 内隐追随(Implicit Followership Theory,IFT)是个体对员工的特质和行为特征所持有的假设,内隐追随原型匹配从领导与员工的双元视角,更深入地分析了"领导者和员工如何感知、决策和行动"的领导过程。本文基于角色理论,从内隐追随原型匹配的视角对员工职业成功的影响因素进行了探讨,同时验证了工作绩效的调节作用和心理授权的中介作用,特别地,验证了工作绩效被中介的调节效应。通过对6家企业的330名员工的调查分析发现:员工与领导者的内隐追随原型匹配程度对员工的职业成功有显著的正向影响,但是,被领导者"看好"的员工不一定能成功,是否成功还取决于员工的工作绩效。本文的研究结果不仅拓展了认知理论在领导学研究的应用,而且丰富了角色理论的内容。 Leaders’ Implicit Followership Theories (LIFTs) are defined as "leaders" personal assumptions about the traits and behaviors that characterize followers.It is an extension of implicit leadership theories (ILTs) supported by the social cognitive theory and cognitive information processing theory.Base on role theory,this study examined the relationship between implicit followership prototype fit and employees’ career success.This paper mainly discussed the influence factors on employees’ career success from the perspective of leaders’ perceptions of employee implicit followership prototype fit,as well as the moderating role of job performance and the mediating role of psychological empowerment.The significance lies at:(1) enriches the application of role theory;(2) explores predictors of employee’s career success from the perspective of implicit followership prototype fit;(3) expanded the mechanism and boundary conditions between implicit followership prototype fit and employees’ career success.Questionnaire surveys of both employees and their leaders in 19 companies in China.A total of 480 questionnaires were collected and among which 330 were valid (the efficiency is 68.8%).In order to reduce the common method variance,2 questionnaire surveys with an interval of three months were conducted.After the CFA,we examined the reliability of the scale and tested the correlation between the variables.Our research presents three conclusions:(1) Implicit followership prototype fit is positively related to employees’ career success.(2) Job performance negatively moderated the relationship between implicit followership prototype fit and employees’ career success.(3) Psychological empowerment mediates the moderated relationship between implicit followership prototype fit and employees’ career success.
作者 王银铎 孔茗 尹玖龙 WANG Yin-duo;KONG Ming;YIN Jiu-long
出处 《科学决策》 CSSCI 2021年第6期70-89,共20页 Scientific Decision Making
基金 山东省教育科学“十三五”规划课题(项目编号:BYK2017002)。
关键词 内隐追随原型匹配 职业成功 工作绩效 替代效应 角色理论 implicit followership employees’career job performance substitution effect role theory
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