
中国亚热带不同菌根树种的根叶形态学性状特征与生长差异:以江西新岗山为例 被引量:13

Growth differences and characteristics of root and leaf morphological traits for different mycorrhizal tree species in the subtropical China:A case study of Xingangshan,Jiangxi Province
摘要 探究植物功能性状的种内和种间变异不仅有助于揭示植物对环境的适应,也能够反映植物的生态策略,但不同菌根类型树木生长过程中根叶形态学功能性状的适应策略仍有待探究。本研究依托中国亚热带森林生物多样性与生态系统功能实验研究平台(BEF-China)选取7种丛枝菌根(AM)树木和7种外生菌根(EM)树木的纯林,测定各个树种的比叶面积、叶干物质含量、比根长、根系直径、树高生长速率、地径生长速率及细根生物量等根叶形态学功能性状和生长指标,探讨了两种菌根类型树种间的根叶形态学特征的差异。结果表明:与AM树种相比,EM树种具有较小的比叶面积、吸收根平均直径和生长速率,但具有更大的叶干物质含量;两种菌根树种之间的比根长和细根生物量无显著差异。比叶面积、叶干物质含量、树高生长速率、地径生长速率和细根生物量等功能性状及生长指标在不同菌根类型、树种及二者的交互作用中均存在显著差异;且树种、根功能型、菌根类型及三者之间的交互作用均对根功能性状有显著影响。EM树种地上指标的种内变异均大于种间变异,而AM树种地上指标的种内和种间变异程度类似;但两种菌根树种细根生物量的种间变异均大于种内变异。尽管两种菌根树种地上部分生长速率较快通常表现为较低的叶干物质含量,但AM树种通常拥有较高的吸收根比根长,而EM树种拥有较粗的运输根平均直径。吸收根比根长越低,两类菌根树种的细根生物量就越多。由此可见,根叶功能性状对植物地上部分的生长具有一定的协同效应,其中运输根主要在EM树种地上生长过程中发挥重要作用,吸收根主要与AM树种的地上部分生长有关;但两类菌根树种的地下细根生物量均与吸收根有关。 Aims:Exploring the intraspecific and interspecific variations in plant functional traits is not only beneficial for understanding plant adaptation to different environmental factors,but also helpful as a reflection on the ecological strategy.However,the adaptation strategies of root and leaf morphological traits in the growth process of different mycorrhizal tree species need to be explored.Methods:We studied seven arbuscular mycorrhizal(AM)tree species and seven ectomycorrhizal(EM)tree species in the Biodiversity-Ecosystem Functioning Experiment China Platform(BEF-China).We studied the characteristics of root and leaf morphological traits of different mycorrhizal tree species by measuring the following morphological traits and growth indices:specific leaf area,leaf dry matter content,specific root length,average diameter,the growth rate of tree height,the growth rate of basal diameter,and fine root biomass.Results:We found that when compared with AM tree species,EM tree species had lower specific leaf area,average diameter of absorbing root,and growth rate(including tree height and basal diameter).EM species had a higher leaf dry matter content.There were no significant differences in the specific root length and fine root biomass between the two types of mycorrhizal tree species.There were significant differences in specific leaf area,leaf dry matter content,the growth rate of tree height,the growth rate of basal diameter and fine root biomass between tree species,mycorrhizal types and the interaction between the two.Additionally,tree species,root functional type,mycorrhizal type and the interaction between tree species with root functional types and mycorrhizal types had significant effects on root functional traits.The intraspecific variation of the aboveground growth indices of EM tree species was greater than that of interspecific variation,whereas the intraspecific variation was similar to the interspecific variations of the above-ground indices of AM tree species.Furthermore,the intraspecific variation was greater than the interspecific variation of fine root biomass for all tree species.Although the above-ground growth for two types of mycorrhizal tree species had a faster growth rate,they usually showed low leaf dry matter content.AM tree species had a high specific root length for absorbing roots,while EM tree species had a high average diameter for transporting roots.Low specific root length of the absorbing roots greatly increased the fine root biomass for all the tree species.Conclusions:Therefore,there was a certain synergistic effect between root and leaf morphological traits on plant growth above ground.Transporting roots mainly played an important role in the above-ground growth of EM tree species.Whereas absorptive roots mainly were related to the above-ground growth of AM tree species.However,below ground growth was mainly related to the absorptive root for all tree species.
作者 欧阳园丽 张参参 林小凡 田立新 顾菡娇 陈伏生 卜文圣 Yuanli Ouyang;Cancan Zhang;Xiaofan Lin;Lixin Tian;Hanjiao Gu;Fusheng Chen;Wensheng Bu(Key Laboratory of State Forestry and Grassland Administration on Forest Ecosystem Protection and Restoration of Poyang Lake Watershed,Nanchang 330045;College of Forestry,Jiangxi Agricultural University,Nanchang 330045;Jiulianshan National Observation and Research Station of Forest Ecosystem,Nanchang 330045)
出处 《生物多样性》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第6期746-758,共13页 Biodiversity Science
基金 国家自然科学基金(31760134) 江西省青年科学基金(20202ACBL215005) 中国国家留学基金(201908360227)。
关键词 根系和叶片功能性状 植物生长 细根生物量 地上地下关联 菌根真菌类型 root and leaf functional traits plant growth fine root biomass aboveground-belowground relationship mycorrhizal types
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