
法规适应:党内法规制定试点工作的实践要义——基于深圳的经验分析 被引量:1

Adaptability of Rules and Regulations:Key Points in Practice of Pilot Work of Making Rules&Regulations within the CPC——Empirical Explication Based on Practice in Shenzhen
摘要 由中共中央授权地方党委进行的党内法规制定试点工作是党内法规制度体系建设的重要实践环节,在党内法规制定主体扩容可行性、地方党内法规制定程序科学规范性以及法规在适应于地方推进基层党建与纠正“四风”问题方面的行之有效性等方面承担着先行先试任务。由此决定了“法规适应”应是党内法规制定试点工作的实践要义,要求试点地方党委充分结合地方特点、回应现实问题、适应地方发展。深圳40年经济特区建设在基层党建和作风建设方面虽然创造了一定有利条件,但也面临一些问题,两个方面共同构成了深圳地方党内法规制定与实施的适应性依据。具体而言,深圳市委围绕推进基层党建、纠正“四风”问题以及党建引领基层治理等方面制定出台了5部地方特色鲜明的党内法规,并主要在以下两大方面作了适应性探索:一是在地方党内法规制定程序上,探索出“五项工作机制”;二是在党内法规构建路径上,探索出以“特定行为主体”和“特定内容事项”为中心的党内法规构建逻辑。从整体上看,深圳在这方面的探索彰显出对于党建引领城市治理、党内法规制度体系建设乃至中国特色“治党-党治”实践的创新价值与政治意义。 The Pilot exploration by the local committee of the CPC to make rules and regulations within the Party,authorized by the Central Committee of the CPC,is an important link in the practice to systematize the construction of rules and regulations within the Party.It undertakes some pilot assignments,such as feasibility of expanding the subject of making rules and regulations within the Party,scientific and normative procedures of making rules and regulations within the Party at the local level,and effectiveness of rules and regulations adapting to strengthen party building at the grass-roots level and improve party conduct.Apparently,“adaptability of rules and regulations”is key points in practice of the pilot assignment of making rules and regulations within the Party,which requires local committees of the Party to respond to realistic problems and adapt to local development based on the reality.During the 40 years of special economic zone construction,Shenzhen has created some favorable conditions and being faced with problems in grass-roots party construction and improving party conduct,which constitute the adaptive foundations for making and implementing rules and regulations within the Party in Shenzhen.Specifically,the CPC Shenzhen Municipal Committee has enacted five rules and regulations within the Party with distinctive characteristics to strengthen party organizations at the grass-roots level,improve party conduct and guide social governance in the city.Furthermore,the CPC Shenzhen Municipal Committee has made adaptive exploration in two aspects:firstly,it has formed“five working mechanisms”in the process of making rules and regulations within the Party at the local level:secondly,it has explored two kinds of building logic centered on“particular players”and“particular matters”in terms of approach of making rules and regulations within the Party.On the whole,the exploration of Shenzhen shows the innovative value and political significance of urban governance led by Party building,construction of system of rules and regulations within the Party,and even practice in“Party’s self-governance and Party’s governance”with Chinese characteristics.
作者 袁超 龙雪岗 YUAN Chao;LONG Xuegang(Postdoctoral Station of Political Science,Fudan University,Shanghai 200433,China;School of Government,Nanjing University,Nanjing 210023,China)
出处 《探索》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第4期108-119,共12页 Probe
基金 研究阐释党的十九届四中全会精神国家社会科学基金重大项目“新时代完善干部担当作为的激励机制研究”(20ZDA024),项目负责人:陈家喜 国家社会科学基金项目“干部选拔任用中的‘逆淘汰’现象及其治理研究”(17CZZ028),项目负责人:袁超。
关键词 党内法规制度体系 党内法规制定权 党内法规制定试点工作 深圳实践 system of rules and regulations within the Party authority of making rules and regulations within the Party pilot work of making rules and regulations within the Party practice in Shenzhen
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