
数字化移动储能系统在雄安新区的应用 被引量:1

Application of Digital Mobile Energy Storage System in Xiong'an New Area
摘要 介绍雄安新区配电网建设现状和移动储能在雄安新区的应用场景,针对现有电网设备水平普遍偏低、网架基础过于薄弱、供电能力严重不足的问题,提出数字化移动储能系统,从系统架构、储能转换效率、控制策略等方面对该系统进行分析,并通过实例验证了该系统在10kV配电网柔性补强、解决过渡期电网季节性/时段性重过载问题方面的优势。 This paper introduces the construction status of distribution network in Xiong'an New Area and the application scenarios of mobile energy storage in xiong'an New Area.Aiming at the problems of low level of power grid equipment,weak network infrastructure and serious shortage of power supply capacity,this paper proposes a digital mobile energy storage system,and analyzes the system from the aspects of system architecture,energy storage conversion efficiency and control strategy,The advantages of the system in the flexible reinforcement of 10 kV distribution net work and the solution of seasonal/periodic heavy overload in the transitional period are verified by an example.
作者 池威威 刘海峰 贾志辉 李志雷 祝贺 CHI Weiwei;LIU Haifeng;JIA Zhihui;LI Zhilei;ZHU He(State Grid Hebei Electric Power Co.,Ltd.Xiong'an New Area Power Supply Company,Xiong'an New Area 071000,China)
出处 《河北电力技术》 2021年第3期36-40,共5页 Hebei Electric Power
关键词 移动式储能 数字化 电网柔性补强 供电可靠性 mobile energy storage digitization power grid flexible reinforcement power supply reliability
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