
满足电动汽车充电需求的台区柔性资源分布式协调控制 被引量:6

Distributed coordination control of station flexible resources based on electric vehicle charging demand
摘要 随着电动汽车行业的快速发展,交直流混合微电网经济稳定运行成为重要研究目标,需研究满足孤岛运行的电动汽车充电需求控制技术。围绕多辆电动汽车的充电需求问题,文中提出了一种基于需求的台区柔性资源分布式协调策略(DDRCS),基于电压下垂控制结构提出了一种改进的互联变换器(IC),根据分散和分布工作方式提出一种协调控制的电动汽车存储控制器,建立了基于区域电动汽车充电需求的交直流混合微电网模型,测试了两种控制器在可变光伏、商业负荷和各种故障下的性能。算例表明所提出的分布式控制器在时间延迟和故障条件优于已有分布式控制器,可提高发电可变情况下的交直流混合微电网安全经济运行能力,同时可满足多辆电动汽车充电需求。 With the rapid development of the electric vehicle industry,the economic and stable operation of the AC/DC hybrid micro-grid has become an important research goal.It is necessary to study the electric vehicle charging demand control technology that satisfies the island operation.Focusing on the charging demand of several electric vehicles,this paper proposes a demand-based distributed resource coordination strategy(DDRCS),and an improved interconnected converter(IC)is proposed based on the voltage droop control structure.A distributed control electric vehicle storage controller is proposed,and an AC/DC hybrid micro-grid model based on regional electric vehicle charging requirements is established.The performance of two controllers is tested under variable PV,commercial load and various faults.The example shows that the proposed distributed controller is superior to the existing distributed controller in time delay and fault conditions,which can improve the safe and economic operation capability of AC/DC hybrid microgrid under variable power generation,which can meet the charging needs of multiple electric vehicles.
作者 张卫国 宋杰 陈良亮 张安越 高辉 Zhang Weiguo;Song Jie;Chen Liangliang;Zhang Anyue;Gao Hui(NARI Group Corporation,State Grid Electric Power Research Institute,Nanjing 211106,China;NARI-Tech Control System Co.,Ltd.,Nanjing 211106,China;Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications,Nanjing 210023,China)
出处 《电测与仪表》 北大核心 2021年第7期27-35,共9页 Electrical Measurement & Instrumentation
基金 国家电网公司总部科技项目(5418-201916163A-0-0-00)。
关键词 电动汽车充电 台区柔性资源 分布式协调控制 互联变换器(IC) electric vehicle charging flexible resources in the station distributed coordinated control interconnected converter(IC)
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