
城市轨道交通智慧牵引供电系统 被引量:7

Smart Traction Power Grid of Urban Rail Transit
摘要 新一轮产业革命促使我国城市轨道交通行业步入智能化发展阶段,逐渐改变了轨道交通传统的建设和运营服务模式。然而受地理环境、经济水平和人口密度等差异的影响,国内各地城市轨道交通发展不均衡。为确保我国城市轨道交通行业智能化建设的有序健康推进,需要开展行业层面的顶层设计,统筹发展战略,明确建设目标,确定重点任务,谋划实施路径。利用先进信息通信技术实现牵引变电所、双向变流器、车辆、信号系统和能量运控系统等多个系统的实时数据交互,从牵引电网源荷匹配、能源利用率、电能质量和系统安全等维度出发,进行了系统级的车网能量调度、列车负荷预测、电网故障测距和列车运行图优化,构建了一体化协同共享的城市轨道交通智慧牵引供电系统,并以某城市地铁2号线为例,在“路—网—车”一体化仿真平台上验证了其有效性,基于此给出了工程化实践亟待研究解决的关键问题。 The new round of scientific and technological revolution has propelled the informatization of the urban rail transit industry into a stage of intelligent development,and hence the traditional construction mode and operation service mode have been gradually changed.However,due to diverse factors such as geographic environment,level of economic development,and population density,the development of rail transit in various cities in China is uneven.In order to promote the healthy and orderly construction of informatization and intelligence of the urban rail transit industry,top-level design is needed to coordinate development strategies,clarify construction goals,determine key tasks,and plan implementation paths.The advanced information and communication technology was used to realize real-time data interaction among traction substations,bidirectional converters,trains,signal system,and energy management and control system(ECMS)in this paper.From the perspective of traction grid source and load matching,energy utilization,power quality,and system security,an integrated,collaborative and shared urban rail transit smart traction power grid was built to implement systematical energy dispatch between trains and substations,load forecasting,fault location,and train operation plan optimization.Taking an actual metro line 2 of a certain city as an example,the effectiveness of the proposed smart traction power grid was verified on the road-network-vehicle integrated simulation platform.Finally,the key issues that need to be further studied and resolved in engineering practice were provided.
作者 李红波 丁荣军 张超 黄子昊 张志学 张敏 罗文广 LI Hongbo;DING Rongjun;ZHANG Chao;HUANG Zihao;ZHANG Zhixue;ZHANG Min;LUO Wenguang(CRRC Zhuzhou Institute Co.,Ltd.,Zhuzhou,Hunan 412001,China)
出处 《机车电传动》 北大核心 2021年第3期1-8,共8页 Electric Drive for Locomotives
基金 《系列化中国标准地铁列车研制及试验》项目。
关键词 城市轨道交通 牵引供电 能量运控 系统节能 负荷预测 运行图优化 故障测距 urban railway system traction power supply energy management and control system energy saving load forecasting operation plan optimization fault location
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