
闽江流域史前聚落遗址时空分布特征及其环境影响因素 被引量:4

Spatial and temporal distribution of prehistoric settlement sites in Minjiang River Basin and their relationship with environmental factors
摘要 闽江流域是我国东南沿海史前文化遗址的主要分布区之一,是我国海洋文化的重要发源地,区域内丰富的史前文化遗存为该地开展史前人地关系研究提供了详实的资料。本文系统整理了闽江流域旧石器时代至战国—秦汉时期遗址,采用地理信息系统(GIS)空间分析方法,对聚落遗址的空间分布特征进行了分析,并探讨了与区域环境演变的关系。研究表明,闽江流域旧石器时代至战国—秦汉时期,遗址空间分布特征呈现出“喜高—下山—临江—向海”的总趋势。具体表现为:(1)除旧石器时期外,不同时期聚落遗址的分布与高程、坡度坡向均呈正相关。海拔分布高度逐渐降低,坡度选择以<3°的平缓地形为主,距河距离逐渐扩大,自然环境对聚落遗址时空分布的制约度逐渐减小。(2)不同阶段的遗址主要分布在既靠近水源又便于抵御洪水的河流阶地上。闽江流域上、中游多山地丘陵,受河流侧向侵蚀与堆积,形成适于古人生存的宽谷和阶地,遗址多沿河流分布;下游史前遗址的空间分布,除受到河流展布影响,还随区域海岸线变迁和海平面波动发生变化。(3)遗址数量的变化反映了古人类生产力水平和自然环境变化之间的耦合关系,其中秦汉之后遗址数量的骤降是自然环境与社会环境共同影响的结果。(4)闽江流域的人类活动在全新世早中期,受地形和环境因素影响,生产方式以采集、渔猎为主,耕作农业零星分布。在全新世晚期,有意识的耕作农业生产方式占据主要地位,尤其是距今2 ka左右,区域海平面逐渐趋于现代海平面,稻作农业逐渐成为该流域主要的农业生产方式。 Background,aim,and scope Minjiang River Basin is one of the main distribution areas of prehistoric culture along the southeast coast of China.Abundant prehistoric cultural relics in the area provide a great deal of knowledge for research into regional prehistoric human-earth coupling relationship.In order to understand this relationship,we analyzed the spatial distribution characteristics of settlement sites in Minjiang River Basin.Materials and methods The sites from the Paleolithic Age to the Qin-Han Period in the Minjiang River Basin are systematically sorted out in this paper.The spatial distribution features of settlement sites are studied using geographic information system(GIS)spatial analysis techniques,and the relationship with regional environmental evolution is discussed.Results From the Paleolithic Age to the Qin-Han Period,there were 1658 sites in the Minjiang River basin.The spatial distribution of these sites reflects the characteristics of“Mountain dwelling-to lower elevations-living along a river-Shoreline migration”.Discussion(1)Spatial and temporal distribution of settlement sites was positively associated with elevation and slope direction,with the exception of the Paleolithic Age.The settlement altitude decreases gradually and the slope is dominated by gentle terrain<3°.The distance steadily increases between the settlement and the river.(2)Sites of various stages are mostly scattered on the river terrace.The upper and middle reaches of the Minjiang River are mountainous and hilly,which are eroded and piled up by the river,creating broad valleys and terraces ideal for the survival of the ancient people.The spatial distribution of the downstream prehistoric sites is affected not only by the flow of the river,but also by regional shoreline changes and sea level fluctuations.(3)Change in the number of sites reflects the correlation between productivity and environmental change,among which the decline in the number of sites after the Qin-Han Period is the result of the common impact of the natural environment and human factors.(4)In the early and middle Holocene,human activities in the Minjiang River basin mainly consisted of picking,fishing and hunting.In the late Holocene,conscious farming dominated,particularly about 2 ka ago,regional sea level tended to a modern sea level,and rice farming gradually became the main mode of production in the basin.Conclusions The pattern of spatial and temporal distribution of settlement sites over different times is closely linked to the evolution of the climate,which represents the response and adaptation of prehistoric human activities to the regional natural environment.Recommendations and perspectives There are few studies on the paleoenvironmental evolution of the Minjiang River Basin,and the sequence of prehistoric culture needs to be strengthened,making it difficult to understand the regional cultural history and the overall human-earth coupling relationship.Therefore,the spatial and temporal distribution of prehistoric settlements in the Minjiang River Basin and their relationship to the evolution of the environment need to be further studied systematically.
作者 任永青 靳建辉 左昕昕 黄运明 李志忠 REN Yongqing;JIN Jianhui;ZUO Xinxin;HUANG Yunming;LI Zhizhong(School of Geographical Sciences,Fujian Normal University,Fuzhou 350007,China;Center for Environmental Archaeology in Southeast China,Fujian Normal University,Fuzhou 350007,China;Key Laboratory for Humid Subtropical Eco-Geographical Processes of the Ministry of Education,Fujian Normal University,Fuzhou 350007,China;Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology,Fujian Museum,Fuzhou 350001,China;School of Humanities,Minjiang University,Fuzhou 350108,China)
出处 《地球环境学报》 CSCD 2021年第1期68-83,共16页 Journal of Earth Environment
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(41301012,42077407,42071011) 福建省自然科学基金(2020J01185) 福建师范大学创新团队项目(IRTL1705)。
关键词 闽江流域 时空分布 环境演变 人地关系 Minjiang River Basin spatial and temporal distribution environmental evolution human-earth coupling relationship
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