
立德树人背景下高校舞蹈学专业课程思政存在的主要问题及其产生的原因 被引量:4

The main problems and the reasons for the ideological and political problems of dance major courses in local undergraduate colleges and Universities under the background of Li De Shuren
摘要 信息时代的降临使得高校学生通过互联网能够接触到多种多样的价值观念与文化思潮,当代大学生的思想观念面临着巨大冲击。舞蹈专业学生在思想和文化方面具有极强的敏感性,在学习与实践过程中接触舶来思想的机会更多,如何在新时期更好地完成舞蹈专业学生专业教育和德育教育成为教育工作者面临着的首要问题。2020年颁布的《关于深化新时期学校思想政治理论课改革创新的若干意见》明确高校思政教育的重要地位,明确了价值观塑造和知识传递在学生间教育工作中的重要性,所有课程都应该发挥自身作用和价值,特别是艺术类课程要坚持扎根人民、以美育人,积极弘扬中国传统优秀文化。当前地方本科高校舞蹈专业在课程设置和教育重点方面倾向于理论教育及专业实践,课程教学与思政教育的融合进度缓慢,这也影响到了学生们的学习动力与学习质量,如何发挥专业优势将思政教育内化于舞蹈专业教育的各个环节是舞蹈专业课程思政的关注重点。 the advent of information age makes college students can reach a variety of values and cultural thoughts through the Internet,and the contemporary college students’ideas are facing a great impact.Dance students have strong sensitivity in thought and culture,and they have more opportunities to contact foreign ideas in the process of learning and practice.How to better complete professional education and moral education of Dance Majors in the new period has become the primary problem faced by educators.The opinions on deepening the reform and innovation of Ideological and political theory courses in the new era promulgated in 2020 clearly define the important position of Ideological and political education in Colleges and universities,and clarify the importance of value shaping and knowledge transfer in the work of students’education.All courses should play their own roles and values,especially the art courses should stick to rooted in the people and educate people with beauty,Actively promote the excellent traditional Chinese culture.At present,the dance major in local undergraduate colleges tends to be theoretical education and professional practice in curriculum setting and education emphasis.The integration of curriculum teaching and ideological and political education is slow,which also affects the students’learning motivation and learning quality.How to play the professional advantage to internalize ideological and political education into every link of dance professional education is the focus of dance curriculum ideological and political education.
作者 蔡雯 CAI Wen(Changsha Normal University,Changsha 41000,China)
机构地区 长沙师范学院
出处 《鞋类工艺与设计》 2021年第9期48-50,共3页 SHOES TECHNOLOGY AND DESIGN
基金 2020年湖南省普通高等学校课程思政建设研究项目:《地方本科高校舞蹈学专业课程思政建设的探索与实践》课题号:HNKCSZ-2020-0746。
关键词 立德树人 地方本科高校 舞蹈专业 课程思政 Li De is a man Local Undergraduate University Major in dance Curriculum thinking and politics Problems reason
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