

Influence of the Rotating Velocity of the Submersible Centrifugal Pump on the Transient Gas-liquid Two-phase Flow Field in Flow Passage
摘要 为研究变频调速运行时,潜油离心泵输送气液两相流时泵内部流动特性,以Q10潜油离心泵的叶轮为研究对象,采用欧拉-欧拉非匀相流、非定常N-S方程和标准κ-ε湍流模型,对潜油离心泵叶轮内气液两相流动进行了瞬态仿真计算。结果表明:流道内的气相随着叶轮旋转而分布不均匀,叶轮内气相聚集范围均表现为自前缘处向尾缘处出口延伸,气相聚集浓度自前缘进口处向尾缘出口递减;当叶轮转速增加,气相在流道内周期性聚集扩散的周期缩短,且叶轮内气相浓度减小,气袋的体积变小,也容易分离破碎成小气袋;流道内整体流速增大,进出口压差增大;叶片两侧压差与叶轮转速成正比,同时叶片表面波动频率也随之增大。 In order to study the pump internal flow characteristics when the electric submersible pump was used to transport gas-liquid two-phase flow under variable frequency and variable speed operation,the transient simulation of gas-liquid two-phase flow in the impeller of the electric submersible pump was carried out based on the Eulerian-Eulerian non-uniform flow model,the unsteady Reynolds time averaged N-S equation and the standardκ-εturbulence model,taking the impeller of the Q10 electric submersible pump as the research object.The results show that the gas phase is not evenly distributed in the flow channel as the impeller rotates,and the gas phase is mainly concentrated in the flow channel near the inlet side of the front cover plate,the gas phase exhibits periodic aggregation and diffusion in the flow passage;when the rotating speed of the impeller increases,the period of periodic gas phase aggregation and diffusion in the flow passage is shortened,and the concentration of gas phase in the impeller decreases,the overall flow velocity in the flow passage increases,and the pressure difference between inlet and outlet increases;the impeller speed increases,the pressure difference between the two sides of the blade increases,and the fluctuation frequency of the blade surface load increases.
作者 宋微 冯子明 方欣 董康兴 SONG Wei;FENG Ziming;FANG Xin;DONG Kangxing(School of Mechanical Science and Engineering,Northeast Petroleum University,Daqing Heilongjiang 163318,China;Xuzhou Xugong Shiweiying Machinery Co.,Ltd.,Xuzhou Jiangsu 221000,China)
出处 《机床与液压》 北大核心 2021年第13期146-152,共7页 Machine Tool & Hydraulics
基金 国家自然科学基金面上项目(51774091) 黑龙江省自然科学基金引导项目(LH2019E018) 东北石油大学青年基金项目(2020QNL-12)。
关键词 潜油离心泵 变速运行 瞬态两相流 非均相流 Submersible centrifugal pump Variable speed operation Transient two-phase flow Heterogeneous flow
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