

"The Eternal City"and"The Beauty of Ruins":Reinterpreting Cultural Significance of the Colosseum From the Perspective of Urban Aesthetics
摘要 罗马角斗场是罗马艺术宝库中最奇特的瑰宝,它是罗马人充分吸收希腊和希伯来建筑艺术之精华而创造的人间奇迹。在其问世之初,它就远不只是帝国首都的一座地标建筑;在其坍塌之后,它也绝不只是一处供人凭吊的历史遗迹。神奇的角斗场,铭刻着一个时代的辉煌和耻辱,也记载着一个民族的悲喜与兴衰,它不仅是"伟大罗马"震撼人心的狂欢之所,也是"永恒之都"孤标傲世的绝美圣墟。作为人类城市审美文化史上堪称不朽的典范之作,就像雅典的帕特农神庙代表着古希腊建筑艺术的最高成就一样,大角斗场代表着古罗马建筑艺术的最高成就。 The Colosseum is the most unique in the Roman artistic treasure.It is the miracle created by the Romans by fully absorbing the essence of Greek and Hebrew architectural art.At the beginning of its appearance,it was far more than a landmark building in the capital of the empire;after its collapse,it is by no means just a historical relic for tribulation.The Colosseum is inscribed with the glory and shame of an era,and it also records the sorrows and joys,rises and declines of a nation.It is not only a place for the thrilling carnival of the"Great Rome",but also the extremely beautiful holy ruins of the"Eternal Capital",standing alone and proudly in the world.As an immortal model in the history of human urban aesthetic culture,just as the Parthenon in Athens represents the highest achievement of ancient Greek architectural art,the Colosseum represents the highest level of ancient Roman architecture.
作者 陈定家 Chen Dingjia(Institute of Literature,Chinese Academy of Social Sciences,Beijing 100732,China)
出处 《长江学术》 CSSCI 2021年第3期74-90,共17页 Yangtze River Academic
关键词 城市美学 罗马建筑 大角斗场 圆形剧场 Urban Aesthetics Roman Architecture The Colosseum Flavian Amphitheater
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