

A Historical Review of the"Original Aspiration"and"Mission"of the Communist Party of China in its Founding Period
摘要 共产党人的“初心”就是党成立之初的初衷,共产党人的“使命”就是党成立之初所领受的应完成的任务和应尽的责任。中国共产党的初心就是为中国人民谋幸福,使命就是为中华民族谋复兴。一个政党、一个民族无论走多远,成绩多么辉煌,都不能忘记来时的路,都不能忘记当初为什么出发,否则就是忘本。上海第一次全国代表大会会址、嘉兴南湖是中国共产党梦想开始的地方,是我们党的根脉。通过回顾中国共产党创立时期,党创立的条件、李大钊等最初的建党者们的初心和使命、他们的人生经历和结局、中国共产党第一次全国代表大会纲领和第二次全国代表大会纲领的内涵以及党的生日纪念日等,解读我们党的初心和使命,对于我们深入开展党史教育、正确认识中国共产党的百年历史,具有特殊而又特别重要的作用。 The original aspiration of Chinese Communist is the original intention when the party was found,and the"mission"of Chinese Communist is the tasks and responsibilities that it should fulfill when Party was founded.The original intention of the Communist Party of China(CPC)is to seek happiness for Chinese people,and its mission is to seek rejuvenation for the Chinese nation.No matter how far a political party or a nation has traveled or how glorious its achievements have been,it should never forget the road it has come on and why it set out.Otherwise,it will forget its origin.Jiaxing Nanhu,the site of the first National Congress of Shanghai,is the place where the dream of the CPC began.It is the root of our Party.In this paper,the following will be reviewed:the foundation period of the CPC,the establishing conditions in that period,the original intention and mission of the original founders such as Li Dazhao,and their life experience,the programme connotation of the First and Second Conference of CPC,and its birthday anniversary.All of the above will play a special and important role for us to carry out Party history education and understand the centenary of the CPC correctly.
作者 廖胜 LIAO Sheng(School of Literature and History, Mianyang Teachers' College, Mianyang, Sichuan 621000)
出处 《绵阳师范学院学报》 2021年第7期13-21,共9页 Journal of Mianyang Teachers' College
关键词 中国共产党 创立时期 初心 使命 回顾 the Communist Party of China foundation period original aspiration mission review
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