Dear Editor,Colorectal cancer(CRC)is among the most commonly diagnosed cancer and the leading cause of cancer-related death worldwide[1].Most CRCs develop from adenomas.Laterally spreading tumors(LSTs)are non-polypoid superficial colorectal neoplasms(CRNs)that are larger than 1 cm and typically extend laterally along the luminal wall.Based on surface morphology,it can be classified into a granular or nongranular type.The pathological morphology of LST manifests only as adenoma or with cancer.Recent studies have characterized 45-79%of LSTs as high-grade intraepithelial neoplasia(HGIN)or submucosal invasion;and the risk of submucosal invasion increases with lesion size[2].Hence,LST is considered a precancerous CRC lesion.Patients with LSTs are usually asymptomatic and diagnosis typically occurs during physical examinations or screening colonoscopy.
This research was mainly supported by grants from the National Nature Science Funds of China(grant no.81772964),the Special Scientific Research Fund of Public Welfare Profession of National Health and Family Plan-ning Commission(grant no.201502026)and the Guang-dong Gastrointestinal Disease Research Center(grant no.2017B020209003).