露天矿开采过程中的岩土剥离、土地压占导致大面积的地表、植被及地下水系被破坏和景观格局的改变,带来一系列生态环境问题。西北荒漠矿区作为我国未来煤炭资源战略的重要接替区,若无针对性的生态修复对策,将会严重威胁到我国国土生态安全。选取西北荒漠区7座典型露天煤矿,采用实地调研与实证研究法、遥感影像法、比较研究法等,从地貌重塑、砾幕层重构、荒漠植被重建3方面进行研究。结果如下:(1)新疆7座露天煤矿均有不同程度的土地扰动情况,白石湖矿区土地压占情况最严重,达到1190.3 hm^(2);五彩湾矿区土地占用面积最大,为2251.0 hm^(2);将军戈壁土地挖损面积最严重,达到1007.3 hm^(2);大南湖矿区裸地面积最多,达到20164.2 hm^(2);伊犁露天煤矿周边植被较多,达到343.3 hm^(2);西黑山矿区周边交通用地最多,达到194.3 hm^(2)。(2)选择最具有代表性的五彩湾露天矿区进行砾幕层研究,其砾幕层面积比例由2000年的60.12%下降到2010年的31.28%,再上升至2017年的42.75%。(3)五彩湾矿区生物量为12.53 g/(m^(2)·a),景观多样性指数为0.2193,景观优势度为1.7807,景观均匀度为0.1097,其生态承载能力较弱,生态体系阻抗干扰能力较差,且区域的生态完整性较低。(4)五彩湾矿区植被覆盖率在2000年至2005年呈现上升趋势,2005年达7.72%,2005年至2015年呈现下降趋势,2015年降至3.89%。总的来说,西北荒漠露天矿区生态受损程度较为严重,应以砾幕层重构为主,采取人工支持引导的方式,提高自然生态修复的速率与效果,使受损生境通过自身主动反馈,走向自发恢复的良性循环。
The large scale topsoil stripping and land acquisition during open-pit mining lead to destructions of land surface,vegetation,and underground water systems as well as alteration of landscape patterns,causing a series of ecological environmental problems.Open-pit mining in the desert area of northwestern China,an important successor mining location in China’s future coal resources strategy,can severely threaten the country’s land and ecological securities if there are no targeted countermeasures for ecosystem restoration.In this study,seven typical open-pit coal mines in the northwest desert area were selected for the landform remodeling,gravel layer reconstruction,and desert vegetation restoration studies through field investigation,empirical analysis,remote sensing imaging,and comparative analysis.The results are as follows:(1)The seven open-pit mines caused a variety of land disturbances.Among all mines,the land destruction in Baishihu is most severe,reaching 1190.3 hm^(2);the occupied land in Wucaiwan is the largest at 2251.0 hm^(2);the land excavation in Jungjun Gobi is most severe,reaching 1007.3 hm^(2);the bare land area in Dananhu is the largest at 20164.2 hm^(2);the vegetation around Yili is most abundant at 343.3 hm^(2);and the traffic land around Xiheishan is the largest,reaching 194.3 hm^(2).(2)The area of the gravel layer in Wuheishan,the most representative open-pine mine selected for gravel layer study,decreased from 60.12%in 2000 to 31.28%in 2010,then increased to 42.75%in 2017.(3)For the Wucaiwan mine,the estimated biomass was 12.53 g/(m^(2)·a);the landscape diversity index was 0.2193;the landscape dominance was 1.7807;and the landscape evenness was 0.1097.This area has insufficient ecological carrying capacity,weak resistence to ecological disturbance,and low ecological integrity.(4)The vegetation coverage of the Wucaiwan mining area showed an upward trend from^(2)000 to 2005,reaching 7.72%in 2005,followed by a downward trend from^(2)005 to 2015,reaching 3.89%in 2015.It can be concluded that the desert open-pit mining area in northwestern China has suffered relatively severe ecological damage.Therefore,the reconstruction of gravel curtains in this area is most urgent,and human support and guidance should be adopted to improve the rate and effectiveness of natural ecological restoration,so that the damaged habitats can spontaneously shift towards recovery and virtuous cycle through active self-feedback.
ZHANG Junjie;BAI Zhongke;YANG Boyu(School of Land Science and Technology,China University of Geosciences(Beijing),Beijing 100083,China;Key Laboratory of Land Consolidation and Rehabilitation,Ministry of Natural Resources,Beijing 100035,China;Technological Innovation Center for Ecological Restoration Engineering in Mining Area,Ministry of Natural Resources,Beijing 100083,China)
Earth Science Frontiers
northwest desert
open-pit coal mine
ecological restoration
gravel cover
vegetation coverage