

Pollution status of soil parasitic worms in different regions of Shaoguan,Guangdong
摘要 目的了解韶关市不同地域土壤中土源性寄生虫的污染状况,为开展寄生虫防治提供科学依据。方法2019年5—10月于韶关市东(武江区)、北(浈江区)、中(曲江区)不同地区的采集土壤标本共900份,采用水洗沉淀法、氯化钠饱和溶液漂浮法和试管滤纸培养法检测土壤标本土源性寄生虫的污染情况,采用镜检法分辨检出土源性寄生虫种类,应用SPSS 21.0统计学软件处理和分析数据。结果900份土壤标本中,蠕虫总检出率为18.78%(169/900),其中武江区为23.30%(48/206)、曲江区为8.85%(23/260)、浈江区为22.58%(98/434),差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);将采样土分为种植耕地、公厕周边、公园周边、马路边绿化带、居民住宅区周边等不同土地类型,蠕虫检出率最高的土地类型为种植耕地,检出率为21.37%(140/655),其次是居民住宅区周边的土壤,为15.66%(13/83);检出蠕虫种类分别为钩虫、蛔虫、东方毛圆线虫、鞭虫、肺吸虫、姜片虫、粪类圆线虫,其中检出钩虫最多,检出率为14.11%(127/900),其次为蛔虫,检出率为2.11%(19/900)。三个地区蠕虫总检出率、各地区种植耕地蠕虫检出率、各区公共厕所周边蠕虫检出率、各区钩虫检出率及各区蛔虫检出率差异有统计学意义。结论韶关市各地区的土壤中仍存在多种寄生蠕虫的污染,应加强人畜粪便的管理,加强对居民生产和生活环境卫生的整治,加大寄生虫病防治的宣教力度,有效控制寄生虫感染疾病传播。 ObjectiveIn order to understand and analyze the pollution degree and common types of soil-borne parasites in the soil of different regions of Shaoguan City,we provide scientific basis for people to carry out parasite control activities.Methods North(Zhenjiang District),Middle(Qujiang District)in Shaoguan City were collected from May to October 2019.The water washing precipitation method,the sodium chloride saturated solution floating method and the test tube filter paper culture method were used to detect the native parasitic soil standards.Insect pollution,microscopic examination was used to distinguish the types of soil-borne parasites detected,and SPSS 21.0 statistical software was used to process and analyze the data.ResultsThe detection rate of worms in 900 soil samples was 18.78%(169/900),and the detection results in the three districts were 23.30%(48/206)in Wujiang District,8.85%(23/260)in Qujiang District,and 22.58%(98/434)in Zhenjiang District(P<0.05).The sampled land was divided into different land types(planting cultivated land,around public toilets,surrounding parks,roadside green belts,and surrounding residential areas).The land type with the highest detection rate was cultivated land.The detection rate was 21.37%(140/655),followed by the soil around residential areas,which was 15.66%(13/83);the detected worm species were hookworm,roundworm,Trichostrongylus orientalis,whipworm,lung fluke,Fasciolopsis buski,Strongyloides stercoralis;and hookworms were detected the most,with a detection rate of 14.11%(127/900),followed by roundworms,with a detection rate of 2.11%(19/900).There were significant differences in the total detection rate,the detection rate of worms in cultivated land in each district,the detection rate of worms around public toilets in each district,the detection rate of hookworms in each district,and the detection rate of worms in each district.ConclusionThere are still many kinds of parasitic worms in the soil of Shaoguan City.The management of human and animal excrement,the sanitation of the production and living environment of the residents,and the publicity and education of the prevention and control of parasitic diseases should be strengthened,and spreading of the parasitic diseases should be effectively controlled.
作者 黄紫晴 宾羽琳 王倩茹 吴文智 聂倩莹 何观文 HUANG Zi-qing;BIN Yu-lin;WANG Qian-ru;WU Wen-zhi;NIE Qian-ying;HE Guan-wen(Medical College of Shaoguan University,Shaoguan,Guangdong 512026,China)
机构地区 韶关学院医学院
出处 《中国热带医学》 CAS 2021年第7期686-689,共4页 China Tropical Medicine
关键词 寄生虫 土源性 蠕虫 污染现状 土壤 Parasite soil-transmitted worms pollution status soil
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