

The Compilation and Spread Course of The Collection of Yin Keng's Works--A Research on the Records,Prefaces and Editions
摘要 本文重点考察史志和官私书目中有关阴铿别集的著录,辑录、分析《阴铿集》及相关诗文集中的题跋,并结合现存明清以来各种《阴铿集》的版本,梳理勾勒《阴铿集》的结集、版本演变及其流传路径。阴铿的诗文作品原结集为三卷本,到隋代时散佚为一卷本。宋代也有一卷本的《阴铿集》流传,但已非隋唐一卷本旧貌。南宋理宗端平年间有赵与懃刊刻合刻本《阴何集》,之后流传或新编的《阴铿集》即在此《阴何集》的基础上演变而来。元代流传有赵与懃本《阴何集》的传本,也有元代新编本《新编阴何诗》。《新编阴何诗》流传甚广,为后世名家所抄录,书名不一,有《阴何诗》《阴何诗集》《阴铿何逊集》等多种名称。明代流传的《阴铿何逊集》,原为合编本,而且仅是诗集本。明代后期,洪瞻祖对《阴何集》重新进行编校,刊刻《阴何诗集》二卷。明嘉靖癸卯(1543)编刻的《六朝诗集》收《阴常侍集》一卷。清道光元年(1821)张澍编刻二酉堂刊本《阴常侍诗集》。流传至今的《阴铿集》各种版本,其实都是诗集本。 This paper focused on the compilation and analysis of The Collection Yin Keng's Works and related anthologies’prefaces based on studying the Yin Keng-related content in historical records and other official or private books.Combining a couple of editions of The Collection of Yin Keng's Works since the Ming and Qing Dynasties,the compilation,the change of editions,and the spread routine of The Collection of Yin Keng's Works can be found.The original edition of the collection of Yin Keng;s works includes three volumes;however,there is only one left in the Sui Dynasty.Although the one-volume edition of The Collection of Yin Keng's Works spread in the Song Dynasty,it is not the same one circulating in the Sui and Tang Dynasties.During the reign of the Duanping emperor of the Southern Song Dynasty,Zhao Yuqin finished the printed copy of The Collection of Yin and He.The new editions and the spread course of The Collection of Yin Keng's Works since then were evolved from The Collection of Yin and He.In the Yuan Dynasty,there was a copy of Zhao Yuqin^The Collection of Yin and He and The New Compilation of Yin and He Poems and other works.It was widely spreaded,and the outstanding researchers made a few copies.Therefore,there are a lot of names of it,including Yin and He Poems,The poetry of Yin and He,The Collection of Yin Keng and He Xun,etc.The Collection of Yin Keng and He Xun in the Ming Dynasty is the coedited version and just the copy of poetry.In the Late Ming Dynasty,Hong Zhanzu revised The Collection of Yin and He and printed two volumes of the compilation of The Poetry of Yin and He.During the Jiajing(1543)of Ming Dynasty,The Poetry of The Six Dynasties was compiled and engraved,in which included a volume of The Poetry of Yin Changshi.In the first year of Daoguang(1821)in Qing Dynasty,Zhang Shu compiled and engraved The Poetry of Yin Changshi.In fact,various versions of The Collection of Yin Ken'Works,which have been handed down to date,are the poetry anthologies.
作者 杨晓斌 Yang Xiaobin
出处 《励耘学刊》 2021年第1期323-337,405,406,共17页
基金 国家社科基金项目“胡风东渐与汉魏文学新变”,项目编号:18BZW041。
关键词 阴铿集 赵与懃刻本 阴常侍诗集 The Collection of Yin Keng's Works the Printed Copy of Zhao Yuqin The Poetry of Yin Changshi
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