
银川羊角椒雄性不育两用系转录组与代谢组关联分析 被引量:4

Transciptome and Metabolomics Association Analysis of Pepper(Yinchuan Cavel)Male Sterility Lind
摘要 为研究银川羊角椒雄性不育两用系中不育系花粉败育的不同基因表达与代谢组学差异的关系。采用RNA-Seq技术对银川羊角椒雄性不育两用系的成熟期花药进行了转录组测序分析;并在UPLCMS/MS检测平台和自建数据库的基础上,对其代谢物S进行定性定量检测分析。数据结果通过GO分类和KEGG富集分析表明:可育系(K)VS不育系(B),注释到显著上调差异基因800个,显著下调差异基因2519个,总的差异基因数为3319个。共检测到显著差异代谢物102个,其中下调差异代谢物34个,上调差异代谢物68个。氨基酸衍生物类17个,核苷酸及其衍生物类16个,甘油酯类13个,鞘脂类物质10个,黄酮类和酚酸类各8个,其他类中6个(主要为糖代谢相关物质)。差异代谢物与显著差异表达基因主要集中在蛋白类物质相关的氨基酸代谢通路与类黄酮类代谢通路。说明显著差异基因在以上代谢通路中起到了关键调控作用,进而使得银川羊角椒雄性不育两用系的不育系花粉产生败育。 In order to study the relation of different gene expression and metabolomics difference of pepper(Yinchuan Cavel)male sterility lind pollen abortion.The transciptiome was sequenced using RNA-seq technology,the metabolomics was tested by UPLC-MS/MS.The result was analyzed by GO categories and KEGG enrichment analysis.A total of 3319 diferent expression genes were successfully obained,include up genes 800,down genes2519.Of the 536 metabolites identified,a total of 102 metabolites were significantly differentiated.The differential metabolites involved up regulation metabolites 68,down regulation metabolites 34.Included 17 amino acid derivatives,16 nucleotides and derivatives,13 glyceryl ester,10 sphingolipids,8 flavonoids and phenolic acids,6 in other classes(mainly related to carbohydrate metabolism).Differential metabolites and significant differential expression genes are mainly concentrated in protein related amino acid metabolism pathway and flavonoid metabolism pathway.The results showed that the significant differential expression of transcription genes,through the regulation of metabolism related enzymes,resulted in the differential metabolism of lipid,phenolic acids and carbohydrate metabolites,resulted in pollen abortion of the Pepper(Yinchuan Cavel)male sterile.
作者 颜秀娟 何鑫 赵云霞 高晶霞 王学梅 Yan Xiujuan;He Xin;Zhao Yunxia;Gao Jingxia;Wang Xuemei(Institute of Germplasm Resources,Ningxia Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences,Yinchuan,750002;General Station of Forest Pest Management and Quarantine of Ningxia,Yinchuan,750001)
出处 《分子植物育种》 CAS 北大核心 2021年第13期4252-4258,共7页 Molecular Plant Breeding
基金 宁夏回族自治区自然基金项目(2019AAC03156) 宁夏农林科学院全产业链创新示范项目(QCYL-2018-03)共同资助。
关键词 银川羊角椒 雄性不育 转录组 代谢组 Pepper Male sterility Transciptome Metabolomics
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