
凉山彝族自治州HIV/AIDS患者流动情况与服药依从性的相关分析 被引量:1

Analysis of Mobility and Drug Compliance of HIV/AIDS Patients in Yi Autonomous Prefecture of Liangshan
摘要 目的通过对凉山州布拖县、美姑县HIV/AIDS患者的调查,分析人口流动性对服药依从性的影响,为凉山州HIV/AIDS患者提高抗病毒治疗服药依从性提出针对性干预建议。方法在2019-06/12以布拖县和美姑县的15个乡镇中的HIV/AIDS患者作为研究对象,采用问卷调查收集患者的外出流动情况,参考Morisky《服药依从性量表》收集服药依从性情况。计数资料采用频数和百分比进行描述,组间差异采用卡方检验,将有意义的变量纳入向前(LR)法二元Logistic回归,变量进入的标准为P<0.05,排除的标准为P>0.10,检验水准为α=0.05。结果 725例调查对象中,流动人口占调查人数的58.48%,服药依从性良好的占82.76%。外出打工(OR=0.466,95%CI=0.3040.713)、外出打工时间长(OR=0.666,95%CI=0.4520.981)、最近1年外出打工(OR=1.736,95%CI=1.0882.772)是影响HIV/AIDS患者服用抗病毒药物依从性的危险因素。结论凉山彝族自治州HIV/AIDS患者流动情况对抗病毒药物服药依从性有影响,基于社会发展和人口流动加速,应制定针对性措施,正确引导该地区的HIV/AIDS患者进行抗病毒药物治疗,提高服药依从性,降低耐药风险。 Objective By investigating the flow of HIV/AIDS patients and anti-viral drug compliance in Butuo and Meigu counties,to analyze the effect of population mobility on drug compliance,to provide effective targeted intervention suggestions to improve drug compliance with antiviral medication for HIV/AIDS patients in Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture. Methods From June to December 2019,medication compliance was collected by referring to Morisky′s Medication Compliance Scale,all the patients with HIV/AIDS in 15 villages and towns of these two counties were selected as study subjects. The counting data was described by frequency and percentage methods,chi-square test was used for differences between groups, meaningful variables were included in the forward(LR) binary Logistic regression,variable criteria was P<0.05,excluded criteria was P>0.10,the test level was α =0.05. Results Among the survey subjects, the floating population accounted for58.48% of the survey population, and those with good compliance with medication accounted for82.76% of the survey population. The results of logistic regression analysis showed that outmigrantion for work(OR=0.466, 95% CI: 0.304~0.713), hours of out-migrantion work(OR=0.666, 95% CI: 0.452~0.981), the last 1 year to out-migrantion for work(OR=1.736, 95% CI:1.088~2.772) were the risk facotrs for anti-viral drug compliance of HIV/AIDS patients(P<0.05). Conclusion The flow of HIV/AIDS patients in Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture has an impact on anti-viral drug compliance, based on the situation of social development and population mobility,we should formulate targeted measures to correctly guide HIV/AIDS patients in the region to take antiviral drugs,so that to improve drug compliance,and reduce the risk of drug resistance.
作者 马拉作 布格阿呷 余彬 韩佳禹 的日支铁 吉克春农 余刚 王菊 黄玉玲 杨淑娟 MA Lazuo;BUGE Aga;YU Bin;HAN Jiayu;DERI Zhitie;JIKE Chunnong;YU Gang;WANG Ju;HUANG Yuling;YANG Shujuan(Liangshan Autonomous Prefecture Center for Disease Control and Prevention,Xichang 615000,Sichuan Province,China;Huaxi Second Hospital of Sichuan University,Chengdu 610041,Sichuan Province,China;Longquanyi District Maternal and Child Care Center,Chengdu 610100,Sichuan Province,China;.4 Sichuan Center for Disease Control and Prevention,Chengdu 610041,Sichuan Province,China;Huaxi Institute of Public Health,Sichuan University,Chengdu 610041,Sichuan Province,China.)
出处 《预防医学情报杂志》 CAS 2021年第7期899-904,910,共7页 Journal of Preventive Medicine Information
基金 国家自然科学基金(项目编号:81703279) 凉山州彝族聚居地易地搬迁式精准扶贫对艾滋病感染风险的影响及防控模式的卫生经济学评价项目(项目编号:H180713) 重点县单阳家庭队列干预模式研究(项目编号:H181020) 四川省疾病预防控制中心科研课题(项目编号:ZX201901)。
关键词 HIV/AIDS 人口流动 服药依从性 影响因素 HIV/AIDS mobility drug compliance influencing factors
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