
公平正义:政党认同视阈下中国共产党百年历程的价值型塑 被引量:10

Fairness and Justice:the Value Model of the CPC’s 100-year History from the Perspective of Party Identification
摘要 公平正义是马克思主义政党价值认同的重要基础。革命早期,中国共产党紧扣现实社会历史进程,在理论与实践、历史与现实双重视野中阐释公平正义价值追求。社会主义革命时期,表明维护实现公平正义的价值取向。改革开放以来,更加注重阐释公平正义的理想追求与价值主张。自身建设方面,阐发时代使命中贯穿公平正义价值追求;用公平正义引领世界观、人生观和价值观塑造;阐明只有实现社会公平正义才能应对艰难险阻;推进自我革命中彰显公平正义廉洁形象。新时代,党要不断创新公平正义话语,扩展公平正义范式;要与时俱进创新公平正义话语方式和内容范畴;要立足新时代进程,提升公平正义实效。 Fairness and justice are important basis for the value identification of Marxist political parties.In the early period of the revolution,the Chinese communists closely followed the historical process of the real society and explained the pursuit of justice value from the perspectives of theory and practice,history and reality.In the period of socialist revolution,the value orientation of safeguarding and realizing fairness and justice was clearly indicated.Since the reform and opening up,more attention has been paid to explaining the dissemination of fair and just ideal pursuit and value proposition.As for self-construction,it explains that the pursuit of fairness and justice runs through the mission of the times;it leads the shaping of world outlook,life outlook and value outlook with fairness and justice;promoting the image of fairness,justice and probity in the process of self-revolution.In the new era,the party has innovated the discourse of fairness and justice,expanded the paradigm of fairness and justice,kept pace with the times,innovated the discourse mode and content category of fairness and justice,and based on the process of the new era,promoted the actual effect of fairness and justice.
作者 廖小明 LIAO Xiao-ming(Marxism Dept.,Party School of Sichuan Provincial CPC Committee,Chengdu 610071,China)
出处 《贵州师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2021年第4期1-9,共9页 Journal of Guizhou Normal University(Social Sciences)
基金 国家社科基金项目“习近平新时代中国特色社会主义公平正义思想研究”(18BKS156)的后期成果 四川省委党校重大攻关课题工程项目“马克思政治伦理思想研究”的阶段性成果。
关键词 政党认同 中国共产党 公平正义 价值型塑 Party identity Chinese Communist Party fairness and justice value model
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