The intelligent distribution network relies on smart meters and acquisition terminals to obtain real-time information.Through data mining,the effective control of distribution network operation risk is realized.The current distribution line parameters are assumed to be studied under the condition of three-phase balance,which cannot accurately reflect the parameter values of each phase of the actual distribution line.However,in the actual distribution network,unbalanced line parameters of each phase in the actual distribution network.There is electromagnetic coupling between three-phase lines,and it is difficult to solve the mutual impedance by using the traditional phase component method.Therefore,an online measurement method of node impedance of low voltage distribution line based on power balance is proposed.This method relies on the data of each node of the line collected by smart meters,and uses Karrenbauer phase mode transformation matrix to decouple the intelligent three-phase data of each node of the actual operation line.Then,according to the power flow relationship,the impedance parameter identification equation based on power balance is deduced,and the weighted least square method is used to optimize the impedance parameters to realize the accurate measurement of each phase parameter of the line.In addition,by analyzing the relationship between line aging and impedance,the impedance parameters are used as an important reference for real-time monitoring of the aging degree of the line,and the results are corrected with other parameters,so as to realize the aging anomaly alarm of the line state of the distribution network.The calculation example selects 96 groups of measured data of a three-phase three-wire electric energy metering device of a low voltage power supply line in Hunan Province within 24 hours on January 2021.The MATLAB program of the measurement method is input to calculate the self-impedance and mutual impedance of each phase of the line,and the impedance results are further verified by the back-stepping method.The calculation error is controlled within-1%~1%of the allowable engineering.Field test and maintenance verify the validity and feasibility of the calculation results.This scheme fully considers the electromagnetic coupling phenomenon between three phases in the actual distribution network,solves the coupling problem of each phase of the power supply line through Karrenbauer phase mode transformation,and improves the effective control ability of the operation risk of the distribution network.
LIU Yi-xuan;XIA Xiang-yang;LIU Xiong(College of Electrical and Information Engineering,Changsha University of Science&Technology,Changsha 410114,China)
Journal of Electric Power
distribution network
smart meters
power balance
line node data
electromagnetic coupling
imped-ance parameters
phase mode transformation
aging warning