
百年来中国共产党党内监督实践历程、历史经验及前瞻性思考 被引量:6

The Practice Course,Historical Experience and Forward-looking Thinking of the Inner-party Supervision of the Communist Party of China in the Past 100 years
摘要 中国共产党自成立伊始就开始了党内监督的理论与制度建设的探索,并积极付诸实践,历经革命、建设、改革开放新时期和新时代,发展至今,党内监督的理论及制度日渐完备与成熟,并凸显出党内监督的理论、制度的特色和优势。百年来党内监督实践积累了丰富的经验。这些经验主要有:坚持党的领导,保证党内监督的正确方向;坚持结合党的基本路线和中心工作开展党内监督;坚持理论创新,用发展着的马克思主义指导党内监督实践;在推进党内监督的制度建设过程中,坚持重视思想建党;坚持将政治监督放在首位,维护党的政治纪律;坚持抓“关键少数”和管“大多数”相结合;坚持党内监督与外部监督相结合。进入新时代,党内监督面临新问题和新挑战,需要进一步健全和完善党内监督,需要继续将政治监督置于党内监督的首位,进一步改革和完善党内监督制度机制,建设有利于监督的党内政治文化,要充分发挥党员民主监督作用,对权力进行科学的分解和制衡,重视信息技术在党内监督中的运用。 Since its establishment,the Communist Party of China has begun the exploration of the theory and system construction of inner-party supervision,and actively put it into practice.After revolution,construction,reform and opening up in the new period and in the new era,the theory and system of inner-party supervision is becoming more and more complete and mature,and its characteristics and advantages are increasingly prominent.A wealth of experience has been accumulated in the practice of supervision within the Party over the past century.These experiences mainly include:adhering to the Party’s leadership to ensure the correct direction of internal party supervision;carrying out intra-Party supervision in the light of the Party’s basic line and central work;persisting in theoretical innovation to guide the practice of inner-party supervision with the developing Marxism;attaching importance to ideological building of the Party in the process of building the system of inner-party supervision;giving top priority to political supervision to maintain the Party’s political discipline;the combination of grasping the“key minority”and managing the“majority”;and the combination of internal and external supervision.Entering the new era,inner-party supervision is facing new problems and challenges.It is necessary to further improve inner-party supervision,continue to place political supervision in the first place,and further reform and improve the inner-party supervision system and mechanism.Besides,we must create the political culture within the Party conducive to supervision,give full play to the role of party members in democratic supervision,scientifically decompose and check power,and attach importance to the use of information technology in party supervision.
作者 邬思源 Wu Siyuan(School of Marxism,Donghua University,Shanghai 201620,China)
出处 《学术探索》 CSSCI 2021年第7期1-9,共9页 Academic Exploration
基金 国家社科基金项目后期资助项目(20FDJB002) 2020年度中央高校基本科研业务费重点项目(2232020B-01)。
关键词 中国共产党 党内监督 实践 经验 对策 the Communist Party of China inner-party supervision practice experience countermeasures
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