Coronavirus belonging to family Coronaviridae is a large group of viruses causing respiratory and gastrointestinal diseases.The outbreak of 2019-novel coronavirus has created panic in the whole world after being transmitted from Wuhan,China in December 2019.A large number of people are affected throughout the world that forced a solitary situation in the affected areas confining common people to their homes to prevent its spread.Cellular receptors in humans for 2019-novel coronavirus are found to be same as for severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus,the first human pandemic of 21st century,however,2019-novel coronavirus is highly contagious,virulent and mutable than the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus.The most attractive site for vaccine development against 2019-novel coronavirus is the spike glycoprotein which is crucial for receptor binding,membrane fusion via conformational changes,virus internalization,and host tissue tropism or spike inactivation through antibody induced destabilization.First outbreak was in December 2019,later on at the end of 2020,the mortality ratio decreased that created a sigh of temporary relief in the globe.Summer season was considered as one of the sources combating infection and preventing spread of virus.However,for the last few months,suddenly a huge outrage of new variants of coronavirus disease 2019 are capturing attention of the entire population of earth endangering lives of people irrespective of their ages and communities.Researchers must focus on the inventions and discoveries of either preventive or therapeutic medicines that precisely target the spike proteins that enable the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2’s entry into a host cell.In this article,we have highlighted various vaccines being approved for emergency use by Federal Investigating Agency to combat the disastrous effects of pandemic on humanity.Mutated variants have created an alarming situation for the health care workers,researchers and scientists to consider the possible mutants and their threat to humanity in the coming years.Further,we have tried to create awareness for developing a global internet community to promote a barrier-free connectivity among all corners of the world to facilitate humanity in case of a category 5 coronavirus disease-hurricane,a term used by researchers for future threats of pandemic.