
百年大党青年意识形态教育的历史进程与基本经验 被引量:5

Historical Process and Basic Experience of the CPC’s Ideological Education for the Youth in the Past Century
摘要 青年是我国革命建设改革中的突击队和生力军。中国共产党在领导革命、建设、改革的百年历史进程中,始终坚持用发展的马克思主义理论对青年开展社会主义意识形态教育,引导广大青年坚定崇高理想信念,拥护中国共产党领导和我国社会主义制度,为实现救国、兴国、富国、强国伟大目标筑牢了强大精神支柱,凝聚了源源不断的青春伟力,保证了党的建设和党的事业薪火相传、后继有人、兴旺发达。百年历程证明,党对青年开展意识形态教育必须坚持把党的领导作为根本保证,必须坚持把发展着的马克思主义作为核心内容,必须坚持把做好高校意识形态教育作为重中之重,必须坚持把共青团作为重要抓手,必须坚持把引导青年为社会主义事业接续奋斗作为着力点和落脚点。这些经验对做好新征程上的青年意识形态教育,凝聚实现第二个百年奋斗目标和中华民族伟大复兴中国梦的青春力量,具有重要意义,必须在新的实践中坚持好、发展好。 The youth are the commandos and new force in the process of China’s revolution,construction and reform.In the 100-year historical process of leading the revolution,construction and reform,the Communist Party of China has consistently applied the Marxist theory of development to educate youths on socialist ideology,guided the youth to strengthen their lofty ideals and beliefs,and supported the CPC leadership and China’s socialist system.The CPC has built a strong spiritual pillar for realizing the great goal of saving,rejuvenating,enriching and strengthening the country,gathered a steady stream of youthful strength,and ensured the Party’s construction and cause to be passed on from generation to generation with successors and prosperity.The 100-year history has proved that,to carry out the ideological education for young people,the Party must adhere to the party’s leadership as the fundamental guarantee,the development of Marxism as the core content,the ideological education in colleges and universities as the top priority,and the Communist Youth League as an important starting point.We must continue to guide young people to continue their struggle for the cause of socialism as our focus and goal.These experiences are of great significance to the ideological education of the young people on the new journey,and to the youthful strength to realize the second centenary goal and the Chinese dream of great national renewal.We must hold on to these experiences and develop them in new practices.
作者 丁兆明 周月朋 冯爱秋 DING Zhao-ming;ZHOU Yue-peng;FENG Ai-qiu(Beijing Union University,Beijing 100101,China)
出处 《北京联合大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第3期30-39,共10页 Journal of Beijing Union University(Humanities and Social Sciences)
基金 北京市习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想研究中心项目、北京市社会科学基金项目“新时代加强中国青年意识形态工作研究”(项目编号:19LLKDB042) 北京市教育委员会社科计划资助项目“新时代高校青年学生社会主义意识形态建设路径研究”(项目编号:SM202011417001) 北京政治文明建设研究基地项目“百年大党青年意识形态教育的历史考察与基本经验研究”(项目编号:21ZZWM013)。
关键词 青年 意识形态教育 历史进程 基本经验 马克思主义 youth ideological education historical process basic experience Marxism
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