In the domestic literature of demographic dividend,there exists broadly misuse and misjudgment.This is because the existing concept of demographic dividend is too vague,and indicators concerned are relatively static.Based on demographic opportunities,national conditions and leading mechanisms,the paper examines the definition of demographic dividend on the basis of demographic opportunities.The demographic dividend is divided into three types:the quantitative type dominated by the economic growth effect of labor,the quality type dominated by the economic growth effect of human capital,and the configuration type reflected by the economic growth effect of total factor productivity.On the basis of this new framework of demographic dividend theory with Chinese characteristics,the paper reconstructs the dynamic mechanism of the demographic dividend from the transition process of population opportunities and policy environment,and puts forward the judgment that China’s demographic dividend has not disappeared and is still in a transitional period.It points out that its future structure will rely upon qualitative demographic dividend as the leading factor,the quantitative demographic dividend still exists but copturing it becomes more difficult,and the allocation-based demographic dividend is undergoing transformation and upgrading.
Chinese Journal of Population Science