
努力造就党和人民满意的教师队伍——中国共产党教师队伍建设的百年历史与经验 被引量:7

Strive to Create a Team of Teachers Satisfied by the Communist Party and the People——The Centenary History and Experience of the Construction of the Teachers of the Communist Party of China
摘要 百年大计,教育为本;教育大计,教师为本。自成立以来,中国共产党一直重视教师队伍建设工作。革命时期,知识分子和教师传播先进的革命思想,成为弘扬革命精神的中坚力量;社会建设时期,教师以技术促生产、以智识育信念、以教化树新风,成为社会建设的重要支撑;改革开放时期,教师的地位不断提高,成为教育改革的主力军;进入新时代,教师肩负起实现中华民族伟大复兴的责任与使命,成为新时代的筑梦人。回顾中国共产党教师队伍建设的百年历史,党和人民对好教师的要求表现为:道德高尚的示范者、业务精湛的专业者、学生成长的引导者、社会文明的传播者。为了努力造就党和人民满意的教师队伍,应当从中国共产党教师队伍建设的百年历史中汲取经验,继续坚持党对教师队伍的全面领导,高度重视教师地位,提升教师专业素质,增强教师的职业幸福感。 Education is the basic of a one-hundred-year strategy of a nation.Teachers are the foundation of education.Since the founding of the Communist Party of China one hundred years ago,it has always attached importance to the construction of the teaching staff.During the revolutionary period,intellectuals and teachers spread advanced revolutionary ideas,becoming the backbone of carrying forward the revolutionary spirit.In the period of socialist construction,teachers have become important support for social construction by promoting production with technology,cultivating faith with intellectual knowledge and building new social atmosphere with education.During the period of reform and opening up,the status of teachers has been continuously improved and teachers have become the main force of education reform.Entering the new era,teachers shoulder the responsibility and mission of achieving the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation,becoming the dream-builders of the new era.Recalling the centenary history of the construction of teaching team by the Communist Party of China,the Party and the people’s requirements for good teachers are as follows:a noble moral model,a skilled professional,a guide for students’growth,and a disseminator of social civilization.In order to make great efforts to build up a contingent of teachers that the party and the people are satisfied with,we should learn from the centennial history of the construction of the contingent of teachers of the Communist Party of China,continue to adhere to the party’s overall leadership for the teacher team,attach great importance to promoting the status of teachers,improve teachers’professional quality,and enhance their vocational happiness.
作者 冯建军 苗双双 高展 Feng Jianjun;Miao Shuangshuang;Gao Zhan
出处 《国家教育行政学院学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第6期16-26,共11页 Journal of National Academy of Education Administration
基金 江苏省社会科学基金重点项目“新时代中国特色社会主义教育理论体系研究”(20JYA001)。
关键词 建党百年 教师队伍建设 历史经验 100 years since the founding of the Party Teaching team construction Historical experience
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