Auxetic two-dimensional(2D)materials provide a promising platform for biomedicine,sensors,and many other applications at the nanoscale.In this work,utilizing a hypothesis-based data-driven approache,we identify multiple materials with remarkable in-plane auxetic behavior in a family of buckled monolayer 2D materials.These materials are transition metal selenides and transition metal halides with the stoichiometry MX(M=V,Cr,Mn,Fe,Co,Cu,Zn,Ag,and X=Se,Cl,Br,I).First-principles calculations reveal that the desirable auxetic behavior of these 2D compounds originates from the interplay between the buckled 2D structure and the weak metal-metal interaction determined by their electronic structures.We observe that the Poisson’s ratio is sensitive to magnetic order and the amount of uniaxial stress applied.A transition from positive Poisson’s ratio(PPR)to negative Poisson’s ratio(NPR)for a subgroup of MX compounds under large uniaxial stress is predicted.The work provides a guideline for the future design of 2D auxetic materials at the nanoscale.
This work was supported as part of the Center for Complex Materials from First Principles(CCM),an Energy Frontier Research Center funded by the US Department of Energy(DOE),Office of Science,Basic Energy Sciences(BES),under Award DESC0012575
L.Yu was supported by the US Department of Energy(DOE)under Award DE-SC0021127
It benefitted from the supercomputing resources of the National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center(NERSC),a US Department of Energy Office of Science User Facility operated under contract no.DE-AC02-05CH11231.