A fundamental manifestation of wave scattering in a disordered medium is the highly complex intensity pattern the waves acquire due to multi-path interference.Here we show that these intensity variations can be entirely suppressed by adding disorder-specific gain and loss components to the medium.The resulting constant-intensity waves in such non-Hermitian scattering landscapes are free of any backscattering and feature perfect transmission through the disorder.An experimental demonstration of these unique wave states is envisioned based on spatially modulated pump beams that can flexibly control the gain and loss components in an active medium.
supported by the People Programme(Marie Curie Actions)of the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme(FP7/2007–2013)under REA Grant Agreement No.PIOFGA-2011–303228(Project NOLACOME)
supported by the European Union Seventh Framework Programme(FP7-REGPOT-2012-2013-1)under grant agreement 316165
supported in part by NSF Grant No.DMS-0908599
support by the Austrian Science Fund(FWF)through Project SFB NextLite(F49-P10)
Project GePartWave(I1142)。