5Amy Kastely, Unification and Community: A Rhetorical Analysis of the United Nations Sales Convention, 8 Nw. J. Int "1 L. &Bus. 580 (1988).
6Date- Bah, Third Party Claims in General, in Commentary on the International Sales Law: The 1980 Vienna Sales Convention (C. M. Bianca & M.J. Bonell eds. , 1987).
7See John Honnold, Uniform Law for International Sales Under the 1980 United Nations Convention 268 ( 1982 ) hereinafter Uni- form Law ; Documentary History, supra note 9, at 426 ( Secretar- iat Commentary, art. 40).
8See Samuel K Date - Bah, C. M. Bianca & M. J. Bonell : Com- mentary on the International Sales Law [ M ] . 1987 : 321.
9See Article 1 of the Paris Convention states in pertinent part.
10Article 2 of the World Intellectual Property Organization Convention ( WIPO ).