The performance of multi-objective algorithms is evaluated by indicators,which mainly take three aspects into considering and focuses on the first aspect:the quality of the solution set obtained by the algorithms,the efficiency of the algorithms,and the robustness of the algorithms.Existing related work lacks mathematical analysis for indicators.In this paper,we categorize the indicators into four groups based on performance criteria:counting indicators,convergence indicators,diversity indicators,and comprehensive indicators.The counting indicators tally the amount or the ratio of non-dominated solutions or elite solutions that satisfy the criterion of the metrics,there are two main differences of counting indictors and non-counting indicators,one is whether the range of indicators is discrete,the other is whether the values of all objectives are only used for comparison but not directly participate in the calculation.The convergence indicators evaluate the convergency of the solution set mainly by calculating the distance of the solution set to the approximation of Pareto Front or the reference set,univariate convergence indicators evaluate the closeness between the solution set and Pareto Front,and binary convergence metrics evaluate the closeness between two different solution sets.According to property,the diversity indicators are further divided into distribution indicators,spread indicators,and indicators measuring both distributions and spread,the distribution of the solution set considers the uniformity in the objective space,and the spread of the solution set measures the capability to obtain extreme solutions.The comprehensive indicators evaluate the convergence and the diversity of the solution set at the same time,which are further divided into general indicators and special indicators by scope of application,what’s more,special indicators include that used for user-based evolutionary algorithms,dynamic evolution algorithms,and multi-modal evolutionary algorithms.We also illustrate the reference set,the comparison function,and the time complexity of 77 indicators.Specifically,the reference set is used to assist in the calculation of the performance indicators value,the comparison function can tell researchers whether the value of indicators bigger is better or smaller,and the time complexity reflects the difficulty to calculate the indicators.Then we analyze some indicators from four aspects:(1)many-objective adaptability,whether the indicators are applicative in high-dimensional objective space,(2)outlier sensitivity,assessing whether the values of the indicators are affected badly by outliers,(3)reference set rationality,discussing the reasonable range of values for the reference site,(4)value optimality,some mathematical work for the optimal value the indicators can reach.Through these analyses,we offer approaches for researchers to choose the right indicators to deal with complex problems under different circumstances.Finally,we end up with discussing some directions about performance indicators that show potential from nine different aspects:comprehensive indicators without any prior information,a new type of multivariate indicators for evaluating the performance of multitasking optimization,indicators used for many-objective evolutionary algorithms,performance measurement in large-scale optimization,the evaluation of the robustness of algorithms,novel indicators used for user-based,dynamic and multi-modal evolutionary algorithms to overcome the deficiency of the existing indicators,and last but not least,research on the mathematical properties of performance indicators.
WANG Li-Ping;REN Yu;QIU Qi-Cang;QIU Fei-Yue(College of Computer Science and Technology,Zhejiang University of Technology,Hangzhou 310023;Zhejiang Lab,Hangzhou 310023;Zhejiang University of Technology,Hangzhou 310023)
Chinese Journal of Computers
multi-objective optimization
evolutionary algorithms
performance indicators