
“红军战史光荣的一页”:温坊战斗研究 被引量:1

Research on Wenfang Battle Awarded as"A Glorious Page in the War History of the Red Army"
摘要 温坊战斗是1934年9月,中央红军为抗击国民党东路军实施的松毛岭战役第一阶段的作战。1934年9月1日至3日,在中革军委主席朱德直接指挥下,红一军团、红九军团及红二十四师摒弃了“短促突击”和“全线抵御”的消极防御战略,而实施毛泽东关于运动战及“诱敌深入”各个击破的积极防御的战略战术,在中央苏区东线战场连城县温坊出敌不意,主动出击,打击向长汀、瑞金进逼的国民党东路军第四纵队李延年部4个师,以很小的代价重创敌军两个师,毙伤俘敌4400余人,缴获大量武器弹药,有效遏制和打击了敌人从北、东两线合击长汀、瑞金的图谋,取得了第五次反“围剿”以来最重大的一次胜利,被中革军委嘉奖为“红军战史光荣的一页”,在遵义会议上得到了很高的评价。 The Wenfang battle was the first stage of the Songmaoling battle in September 1934, which was carried out by the Central Red Army to fight against the East Route Army of the KMT. From September 1 to 3, 1934, under the direct command of Zhu De, chairman of the Central Revolutionary Military Commission, the first Red Army Corps, the ninth Red Army Corps and the 24 th division of Red Army abandoned the passive defense strategy of "short assault" and " all the defense ", and implemented Mao Zedong’s active defense strategy and tactics of mobile warfare and "luring the enemy in deep to crush the enemy one by one". In Wenfang, Liancheng county at the eastern battlefield of the Central Soviet Area, they took the initiative to attack the four divisions of Li Yannian’ armies of the fourth column of the East Road army of the KMT to the enemy’s surprise, which was marching towards Changting and Ruijin, and severely damaged two enemy divisions, killed and wounded more than 4400 enemy soldiers, captured a large number of weapons and ammunition at a very small cost. The Wenfang battle effectively curbed and attacked the enemy’s plot to attack Changting and Ruijin from the north and east lines, and became the most significant victory since the fifth counter-campaign against "encirclement and suppression", The Wenfang battle was awarded as "a glorious page in the war history of the Red Army" by the Central Revolutionary Military Commission and was highly appraised at the Zunyi Meeting.
作者 蒋伯英 Jiang Boying
出处 《苏区研究》 CSSCI 2021年第4期5-24,共20页
基金 国家社会科学基金重大委托项目“松毛岭战役研究”(19@ZH035)。
关键词 第五次反“围剿” 朱德 温坊战斗 积极防御 the fifth counter-campaign against "encirclement and suppression" Zhu De the Wenfang battle active defense
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