Aiming at the low efficiency of unstructured data cloud storage, a cloud storage method of unstructured big data combined with blockchain technology is proposed. Cloud storage network uses F2 domain to obtain storage information, judges data status according to domain head, and updates storage strategy in real time;At the same time, the storage scheduling uses the storage window and acquisition window to estimate the data mean value and dynamic oscillation, and determines the storage update frequency. In addition, the storage audit strategy is introduced into the cloud storage network to determine the storage audit requirements according to the data heat and damage, Audit the storage time and packet quantity of stored data to optimize the storage efficiency. Finally, considering the low efficiency of data validation in traditional unstructured data cloud storage process, a blockchain network structure is designed, The data integrity verification based on Merkle tree and hash is implemented. The simulation results show that the unstructured big data cloud storage method combined with blockchain technology significantly reduces the data audit and storage time, effectively improves the cloud storage efficiency of unstructured data, and has good big data processing performance.
XU Zhi;WANG Yue;WANG Xin(School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering,Sanjiang University,Nanjing Jiangsu 210012,China;School of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering,Jiangsu University of Science and Technology,Zhenjiang Jiangsu 12003,China)
Computer Simulation