Reinforced concrete beams consisting of both steel and glass-fiber-reinforced polymer rebars exhibit excellent strength,serviceability,and durability.However,the fatigue shear performance of such beams is unclear.Therefore,beams with hybrid longitudinal bars and hybrid stirrups were designed,and fatigue shear tests were performed.For specimens that failed by fatigue shear,all the glass-fiber-reinforced polymer stirrups and some steel stirrups fractured at the critical diagonal crack.For the specimen that failed by the static test after 8 million fatigue cycles,the static capacity after fatigue did not significantly decrease compared with the calculated value.The initial fatigue level has a greater influence on the crack development and fatigue life than the fatigue level in the later phase.The fatigue strength of the glass-fiber-reinforced polymer stirrups in the specimens was considerably lower than that of the axial tension tests on the glass-fiber-reinforced polymer bar in air and beam-hinge tests on the glass-fiber-reinforced polymer bar,and the failure modes were different.Glass-fiber-reinforced polymer stirrups were subjected to fatigue tension and shear,and failed owing to shear.
The authors wish to acknowledge the research grants from the National Key Research and Development Program of China(2017YFC0703000)
the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant No.51678430).