We propose a method for laser cooling two-valence-electron fermionic atoms.Our protocol employs resolved-sideband cooling on the stimulated Raman transition between the two magnetic sublevels(m=F and m=F−1)of the ground state with total angular momentum F.The optical pumping from m=F−1 to 1P1 are used to decouple atoms in the m=F−1 state.We calculate the Raman coupling generated by an engineered optical lattice.The result shows that it is possible to laser cool the two-valence-electron fermionic atoms to the ground state.The atoms in the ground state provide a new system for quantum optics.
LI Guo-Hui
XU Xin-Ye
李国辉;徐信业(State Key Laboratory of Precision Spectroscopy,East China Normal University,Shanghai 200062)
National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant No 10774044
the National Basic Research Program of China under GrantNo 2010CB922903
the Shanghai Pujiang Talent Program under Grant No 07PJ14038
the PhD Program Scholarship Fund of East China Normal University under Grant No 2009049.