
工业遗产价值的探讨——以包头糖厂为例 被引量:3

Discussion on the Value of Industrial Heritage:Taking Baotou Sugar Refinery as an Example
摘要 由于城市更新和产业结构升级,许多工业建筑闲置,有的甚至遭到破坏,对现存的工业建筑进行价值探讨和认定已经迫在眉睫。文章从历史价值、社会文化价值、艺术价值、技术价值、经济价值、使用价值六个方面对包头糖厂进行了探讨,并建立了包头糖厂综合价值评价体系。 Due to urban renewal and industrial structure upgrading,many industrial buildings are idle and some are even destroyed,so it is extremely urgent to discuss and identify the value of existing industrial buildings.This paper discusses Baotou Sugar Refinery from six aspects:historical value,social and cultural value,artistic value,technical value,economic value and use value,and establishes a comprehensive value evaluation system for Baotou Sugar Refinery.
作者 张贤贤 吴迪 Zhang Xianxian;Wu Di
出处 《建筑与文化》 2021年第8期103-105,共3页 Architecture & Culture
关键词 包头糖厂 价值 保护原则 价值评价体系 Baotou Sugar Refinery value principles of protection value evaluation system
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