
太平洋战争爆发后中国的大国地位与国际事务的话语权——以中国争取制止侵华日军毒气战为例 被引量:1

China’s Status as a Major Power and Discourse Power in International Affairs after the Breakout of the Pacific War--Take China’s Fight to Stop the Biochemical Warfare of the Japanese Troops as an Example
摘要 抗日战争爆发后,侵华日军公然违反国际公约,对中国军民实施生化战。中国政府于1938年由中共首先尝试向世界呼吁,谴责侵华日军罪行。太平洋战争爆发后,美英在华盛顿和伦敦召开太平洋军事会议,协商太平洋地区战事。中国作为"四大国"之一,参加两国两地会议。1942年5月10日丘吉尔发表制止德国对苏联施行毒气战的对德声明,只字未提中国,给蒋介石"四大国"之一的领袖身份认同以极大刺激,他通过宋子文转请美国总统罗斯福发表类似声明。待1942年6月5日罗斯福发表对日声明后,蒋介石进而谋求让顾维钧通过伦敦太平洋军事会议发表类似公开声明。1942年7月14日顾维钧成功提案,但因丘吉尔在大会上搁置讨论,令蒋介石的伦敦公开声明期望落空。1942年中国向盟国争取制止侵华日军生化战声明的一成一败,凸显的是抗战时期中国的地位和国家力量。中共和国民党向国际社会揭发与控诉日军毒气战的经验教训证明国家实力较弱方获取国际事务话语权的前提条件是"坚持抗战"而非"一味牺牲"或"退让"。 After the breakout of the Anti-Japanese War,the Japanese troops flagrantly violated international conventions and carried out biochemical warfare against Chinese soldiers and civilians.The CCP appealed in 1938 to condemn the crimes of Japanese troops.After the outbreak of the Pacific War,the United States and Britain held Pacific Military Meetings in Washington and London to negotiate warfares in the Pacific.As one of the“Big Four”countries,China participated in the meetings.On May 10,1942,Winston Churchill issued a statement to stop Germany from carrying out gas warfare against the Soviet Union,without mentioning China,which greatly provoked Jiang Jieshi who considered himself as one of the leaders of the “Big Four”.He committed Song Ziwen to appeal to Franklin D.Roosevelt to issue a similar statement.After Roosevelt issued a statement to Japan on June 5,1942,Jiang Jieshi further sought to make Gu Weijun to issue a similar statement through the Pacific Military Meetings in London.On July 14,1942,Gu Weijun made a successful proposal,but because Churchill put aside the discussion at the meeting,Jiang Jieshi's aim to make a public statement in London failed.In 1942,China's endeavor to condemn Japanese troops against their biochemical warfare in 1942 was only half-successful,highlighting China’s status and power during the Anti-Japanese War.China*s series of statements to stop the biochemical warfare of the Japanese troops proved that the diplomatic efforts of weak countries,even though intertwined with the status of a mismatched “big power”,cannot gain the the right to speak on the world stage but only be a diplomatic delusion.
作者 周东华 ZHOU Donghua
出处 《学术月刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第7期202-216,共15页 Academic Monthly
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目“中国麻风病隔离防疫史料整理与研究(1368-1978)”(20&ZD223)的阶段性成果。
关键词 国民政府 中国共产 党毒气战声明 太平洋军事会议 国际事务话语权 the KMD Government CCP Gas War Statement Pacific Military Meetings discourse power in international affairs
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