
管辖权嬗变与利益博弈——近代汕头海港检疫权的收回 被引量:1

Evolution of Jurisdiction and Game of Interest:The Recovery of the Port Quarantine Rights in Shantou
摘要 近代汕头的海港检疫受制于旧有“海关检疫”体制,海港检疫权的回收实际面临管辖权的归属和部门利益之争。1874年后汕头形成一套由地方官、潮海关税务司和汕头领事团合作管理,潮海关税务司派海关医官具体办理的“海关检疫”体制。1927年4月起,汕头市政府先后设立出洋种痘处和汕头海港检疫处,试图突破“海关检疫”体制,将海港检疫收归自办,引起外国势力的反对。1930年7月,全国海港检疫管理处成立,次年4月接收汕头市海港检疫所,汕头海港检疫从地方收回中央。然而,旧有的海港检疫参与者并未因此退出历史舞台,各方围绕海港检疫的管辖权和权利展开博弈。直到1936年7月,国民党中央掌控广东政局后;汕头市海港检疫所才真正成为全国海港检疫处的直辖机构。 Since 1874,the port quarantine in Shantou had been dominated by the Customs Quarantine system,so the recovery of the port quarantine rights actually had to face the contests for the ownership of quarantine jurisdiction and profit between different departments.During the cholera,a sort of Customs Quarantine had come into being,which had been taken charge by magistrates,commissioner of customs and foreign consuls.The customs medical officer had been appointed by Daotai as the port health officer to deal with the quarantine.From April 1927,in order to break up the Customs Quarantine system and take charge of the quarantine,the Shantou municipal government successively set up the Abroad Vaccination Department and Shantou Quarantine Station,which engendered the severe objection from the foreign powers.Therefore,when the National Quarantine Service,set up in July 1930,had taken over the station in April 1931,the port quarantine fell into the jurisdiction of the central government.However,the old participators had never withdrawn from the historical stage,but waged intense competitions around the right of quarantine.Until the Nanjing National Government completely controlled Guangdong,the Shantou Quarantine Station had not really been under the control of the National Quarantine Service.
作者 杜丽红 刘嘉 Du Lihong;Liu Jia
出处 《史学月刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第7期78-83,136,共7页 Journal of Historical Science
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目“中国公共卫生防疫史研究”(20&ZD221) 中央高校基本业务费专项资金项目“近代海港检疫全球化与中国”(20wkjc02)
关键词 近代中国 海关检疫 海港检疫权 出洋种痘处 汕头海港检疫所 Modern China Customs Quarantine Port Quarantine Right Abroad Vaccination Department Shantou Quarantine Station
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