
基于SDN架构的工业互联网多层多址边缘计算 被引量:1

Multi-layer Multi-access Edge Computing of Industrial Internet of Things Based on SDN
摘要 工业物联网(IIOT)作为工业互联网中的重要一环,是工业数字化转型的必经之路。5G依靠其高带宽、低时延、广连接等特性,衍生了多层多址边缘计算(mMEC)技术,加快推进了工业物联网的落地。将软件定义网络(SDN)引入到IIOT和mMEC中,提出了一种基于SDN的边缘云交互和边缘计算任务卸载方法,帮助处理IIoT环境中的流式大数据。 As an important part of industrial Internet,the Industrial Internet of Things(IIOT)is the only way for industrial digital transfor-mation.Relying on its characteristics of high bandwidth,low latency,and wide connectivity,5G derives multi-layer multi-ac-cess edge computing(mMEC)technology and accelerates the implementation of the Industrial Internet of Things.Software defined networking(SDN)is introduced into IIoT and mMEC,and edge cloud interaction and edge computing task unloading method based on SDN is proposed to help deal with streaming big data in the IIoT environment.
作者 曹童杰 李丕范 刘中国 Cao Tongjie;Li Pifan;Liu Zhongguo(China Information Technology Designing&Consulting Institute Co.,Ltd.,Beijing 100048,China)
出处 《邮电设计技术》 2021年第7期19-23,共5页 Designing Techniques of Posts and Telecommunications
关键词 工业互联网 边缘计算 SDN 任务卸载 Industrial Internet Edge computing SDN Task offloading
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