The migration of living cells usually obeys the laws of Brownian motion.While the latter is due to the thermal motion of the surrounding matter,the locomotion of cells is generally associated with their vitality.We study what drives cell migration and how to model memory effects in the Brownian motion of cells.The concept of temperament is introduced as an effective biophysical parameter driving the motion of living biological entities in analogy with the physical parameter of temperature,which dictates the movement of lifeless physical objects.The locomemory of cells is also studied via the generalized Langevin equation.We explore the possibility of describing cell locomemory via the Brownian self-similarity concept.An heuristic expression for the diffusion coefficient of cells on structured surfaces is derived.
Supported by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation in the form of a Sofja Kovalevskaja Award funded by the Federal Ministry of Education,BMBF,the Bulgarian NSF through grant DRG 02/3 and the FP7 project BeyondEverest.