
《伤寒论》太阳病下利条文及方药整理分析 被引量:1

Arrangement and Analysis of Prescriptions,Chinese Medicine,and Clauses About Diarrhea Caused by Greater Yang Disease in Shanghan Lun
摘要 对《伤寒论》太阳病下利的条文及方药进行整理分析,明确每种下利的病机、主要症状及不同方药之间的鉴别要点,以便准确掌握每首方的适应证。涉及条文及方药有葛根汤、葛根加半夏汤、葛根芩连汤、小青龙汤、生姜泻心汤、甘草泻心汤、赤石脂禹余粮汤、桂枝人参汤、黄芩汤、黄芩加半夏生姜汤,以汤为纲,以条文、方药为目,条分缕析。认为:葛根加半夏汤下利为葛根汤证伴见水饮内停;葛根芩连汤下利为阴虚有热所致,主要伴随症状为脉微数、喘、发热、汗出;小青龙汤下利为表邪不解、水湿内停所致,主要伴随症状为脉浮紧、恶寒重、发热轻、咳嗽、呕逆;生姜泻心汤下利为水饮不化、阴阳两虚所致,脉应沉弱;甘草泻心汤下利为中焦虚寒、水运失常所致,脉应沉弱;赤石脂禹余粮汤下利为肠道湿热所致,主要表现为肛门灼热、下利脓血;桂枝人参汤下利为表证不解、中焦阳虚所致,主要伴随症状为脉浮弱、口渴、手脚不温;黄芩汤下利为邪入少阳所致,主要伴随症状为脉弦弱,腹痛,可伴见腹部肌肉痉挛。 Prescriptions,Chinese medicine,and clauses about diarrhea caused by greater yang disease in Shanghan Lun were sorted out and analyzed.Parthenogenesis and main symptoms of each category of diarrhea,as well as the main points of identification for prescriptions and Chinese medicine,were clarified so as to precisely know the condition in which each prescription is advisable.The following decoctions were involved in the prescriptions,Chinese medicine,and clauses:Gegen tang,Gegen plus Banxia tang,Gegen Qinlian tang,Xiaoqinglong tang,Shengjiang Xiexin tang,Gancao Xiexin tang,Chishizhi Yuyuliang tang,Guizhi Renshen tang,Huangqin tang,Huangqin plus Banxia Shengjiang tang.Based on tang as the principle as well as prescriptions,Chinese medicine,and clauses as the entry,a careful and detailed analysis was made.After the analysis,the results were as follows:the diarrhea treated with Gegen plus Banxia tang is caused by Gegen tang syndrome complicated with fluid retention stagnating in the interior;the diarrhea treated with Gegen Qinlian tang is caused by yin deficiency with internal heat,accompanying the main symptoms including faint and rapid pulse,dyspnea,fever,and sweating;the diarrhea treated with Xiaoqinglong tang is induced by the failure of exterior pathogen to release and the internal stagnation of fluid-dampness,accompanied with the main symptoms,such as floating and tight pulse,the severity of aversion to cold greater than that of fever,cough,and vomiting;the diarrhea treated with Shengjiang Xiexin tang was induced by water failing to transform into qi and yin-yang deficiency,with sunken and weak pulse;the diarrhea treated with Gancao Xiexin tang is induced by deficiency cold of the middle energizer and the disorder of water transportation and transformation,with sunken and weak pulse;the diarrhea treated with Chishizhi Yuyuliang tang is caused by intestinal dampness heat,mainly manifested by burning sensation of the anus and stool containing pus and blood;the diarrhea treated with Guizhi Renshen tang is induced by the failure of exterior syndrome to release and yang deficiency of the middle energizer,marked by floating and weak pulse,thirst,and cold hands and feet;(8)the diarrhea treated with Huangqin tang is caused by pathogen entering lesser yang,marked by weak and string-like pulse,and abdominal pain complicated with muscle spasm in the abdomen.
作者 史莎莎 余成浩 SHI Shasha;YU Chenghao
机构地区 成都中医药大学
出处 《新中医》 CAS 2021年第14期6-9,共4页 New Chinese Medicine
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(81673878) 实验方剂学四川省青年科技创新研究团队(2020JDTD0022) 成都中医药大学“杏林学者”学科人才科研提升计划(XSGG2019006)。
关键词 《伤寒论》 太阳病 下利 条文 方药 Shanghan Lun Greater yang disease Diarrhea Clauses Prescriptions and Chinese medicine
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